My Life

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Nisha's POV

I heard him over the phone
Nisha-"why did you call?"
I'm piss off right now, of all person!!

"Don't you miss me..oh...
sure you do...anyway see you soon..."
His sarcastic voice over the phone makes me want to slap him
but then I was just stunned by what I heard his coming back of all the time
why now that everything's going fine, that Mimi is not my problem

great!! life is so great!! is this the way life would play with my life
this shit is making me nuts!! What will happen now!!
Judas Padilla the bad black sheep of his family, he was in college now
somehow money does it's trick and put him to college but now he called me
and told me that he's back!! wow I should really celebrate now!! grrrr!!

I dialed Allon's phone but no luck, he didn't pick up
Ah!! maybe his in the office or I look around the school
It's already 6pm but we're still here in school due to club activity
I saw him standing near the garden he was looking at something with a serious face
I come close to him and saw what his looking at....
Mimi was sitting on a bench and she was just sitting their looking...
I mean she's crying...then she was talking to someone on the phone
Allon look back and saw me

Allon-"oh..hi...why are you still here?"
Nisha-"I just finish this..."
Allon-"oh...want me to go with you?"

I smile and nod at him..we went through the hall way and
went to the club room, I put the papers to the desk

Nisha-"your brother is coming back right?"
he sounds okay with it...

Allon-"Let's go home...I walk with you."

we're walking towards the gate, when we saw Mimi with Zander
Mimi has her serious face that makes me curious but I look at Allon
he look so concern, maybe he was wondering the same thing
"what are they talking about?"
We just look at them until Mimi and Zander leave
there was silent, we just walk again without saying a word to each other
and it was like that until I got home

the usual greeting of two adults yelling at each other,
my brothers are not here, well nothings new
and I went straight to my room...

It's unfair how life place us in a situation and other people
was in a place where we want to be..that has been me and mimi
life treated me as a joke...puts me in this family that wasn't even my biological family
everyday and I mean everyday they would fight and yell at each other
and my brothers bring home different girls every time!!
While Mimi was Pretty, smart and talented
living in a decent family though that's what I know
I never meet her dad and mom, but at least she can
have anything that money can buy..she have everything I wanted in life
and most of all Allon loves him, that love that has blinded Allon from seeing me

I went out of the house and went to the usual bakeshop
I guess I'm here almost everyday, I don't want there
I was just eating my bread when I saw Mimi and Zander
they were talking to a old man may be at his 30 or above
I was staring at their faces it seems to be important, all of then are serious
The old man leave the two of them and I can see Zander comforting
Mimi, she wasn't crying or anything..actually from here I can say that she's mad
I never seen her like that...Mimi was a girl that always have a smile on her face
that always remind me of how I hate my life, how miserable I am
to have a life like this while she....she had everything but now it's kind of scary

I never lied to her, not until that day...

(1st year)

this was my first time skipping class and drinking alcoholic drinks

"I hate her!! why does she have everything that I want?"

"hey now take it slow."

"shit!! don't you dare stop me..I mean what can I do to be like her?."

"come on nisha..stop this."

"I'll do everything for her to be out of my life."

"hush now I'll do everything for you to stop acting like this"

"really? I want her out of my life can you do that?"

"yeah...I can do that"

that's when I give everything to him, nope he took advantage of me
the next thing I know is that I have a freakin headache and that I was beside him
but that just the this I know...the next thing that happen is not in my range of knowledge anymore

*end of flashback*

I was saying those words due to the alcohol in me
or maybe deep inside me that's what I really feel
but the things that happens there stay there...
and never!! never again will I look back to those time


Author's note; thanks everyone!!

so that's nisha's life?!! bitchfriend parin ba sya sa tingin nyu?
tell me what you feel by putting comments
I hope that you'll vote too!!

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