the Confesion of my bestfriend

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Mimi's POV

I was in the hospital again,I felt my body's getting weaker everyday, I cannot hide my pale skin anymore some of my classmates have been asking if I'm sick,Every night I vomit, there was a time that I was scared of the things happening to me because I vomit and saw blood in it, I didn't tell Zander everything I don't want him to worry, I just want everyone to stay the way they are. I was also being careful because I don't want to pass out and let everyone know that I'm dying, specially now that we only have a week before the graduation day and the most awaited graduation ball, I must say I'm also excited but I'm sad because I know after those events I have to leave them for good, I'm going back to the states because that's my fathers deal, he told me that They want to be with me at the time that I would need them the most, so I didn't argue with them anymore, and I have to admit that I also want them to be there for me though I just don't want them to see me getting weaker and weaker everyday, I don't want to see them in tears just because if me.

Judas-"What's in your mind?"

I saw Him looking at me, Judas has been my companion after that day.


I smile and wave at him, I was feeling better after all the medication

Judas-"Do you really have a weak body? you're always sick..."

Mimi-"yeah...I'm just like that but don't worry I'm okay now, I'll be out today!."

Judas-"That's Good.. I was so worried,"

Mimi-"hey it's not like I'm dying or something you know."

I smile at him, making him believe that it was a joke, it hurts me when I said those words

Judas-"Hey that's not funny."

He look seriously worried, i was a bit sad seeing him like that, I lowered my head

Mimi-"What if I'm not joking?...what if I'm dying?"

I can't look at him in the eye but I know he was looking at me, I don't know why but somehow I want to know what will be his reaction, if somehow there will be a chance that he will come to know about me dying

Judas-"If you leave me too, I might end up dying."

Shock was the only thing I felt when he said those words

I look at him, he wasn't joking..I put my hand on his shoulder

he look at me and I smile at him and he end up smiling back at me



then I wave my goodbye to Judas, I went straight to the door and enter my room

I was still weak, so I went straight to my bed, I open my phone and read some text messages

There I saw Nisha's message

'Wanna hang out tonight? let's have some drink?'

I immediately reply

'Sure..usual bar?"

then not even a minute pass and she confirm the place and the time

it was later at 8pm, I know Zander would be mad but I think she really needs me

and in spite of my weak body I guess I can still manage the hang out thingy later

I still have some time, and I need some energy for later so I sleep


I wake up just in time for my preparation, I take a shower and take my medicines

then I choose to wear a black leather skater skirt and a loose black long sleeve for my top

I just use a cute simple black keds and then choose a light make up, so that no one would notice how pale I am

Someone was knocking at the gate, I look at it and saw Nisha outside then I open the Gate

Nisha-You ready?

I smile at her

mimi-I'll just get my bag

I went inside and get my bag and went outside

Mimi-where are we going?

Nisha-The usual place...

she smile at me and enter her car, she's not the one driving the car

We're both at the back sit and she was not looking at me

I wonder what's in her mind

Mimi-it's your treat right?

I tried to break the ice and it seems like it works

she look at my goofy smile then nod

time pass by and before I knew it, in the rest house where

Nisha and me always play around, this is also the place for us to talk when one of us is sad

we went out of the car quietly, there was nothing but silence which makes me nervous

We went to our favorite spot in the rest house

Nisha-I'm confuse with something..will you help me in figuring it out?

without looking at me she said those words, I look up in the sky

Mimi-I thought your come you don't the answer?

Nisha-because...I don't know what will be the totality of the result in the problem

Mimi-then just blurt it out and we'll see how it will react just like two chemicals being poured in one glass

Nisha-what if it explode and I won't be able to stop the explosion from spreading

Mimi-no matter what there will be a time where the effect of the explosion will

be dissolve and everything will be fine again

Nisha- you know everything about him right....everything about judas?

Mimi-yup I do...I know everything

Nisha-then how could you act like you know nothing at all...

A weak smile out of my face

mimi-I just...even if....nisha...I know everything about him and I also know that your the-----

Nisha-that's not true!!...I didn't...

a loud voice came out from her...and then I saw her face covered with tears

I know I'm hurt but I'm not mad at her...I'm actually mad at myself

Back then I didn't that the cause of her pain was me...

I came closer to her and look at the eyes but I saw how scared, confuse

and sorry she is....I hug her...causing the two us crying together until we don't have the strength to stand

and fell into our knees...The word that came out of her mouth breaks my heart into pieces



Sorry for the wait and for all the craziness...

my iPad is going craaaazzzzy...

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