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Mimi's POV

Allon-"can I visit you?"

What will I say...


Allon-"Me please let me visit you"

He sound so desperate..I cant say "No" with that voice

Mimi-"just now okay, You know where I live right?"

Allon-"thanks I'll be there...just wait me okay"


I fix my face and hair while waiting for him

I already told Zander that Allon will visit me

after 15minutes someone knocks on the gate

Zander was the one who opens the door

When I saw him, he look piss off

I wonder what happen?

I was already at the sofa, I'm watching basketball

he sat beside me and smile a little

Allon-"You okay?"

he look so concern, it's like he's blaming himself

Mimi-"I just had a fever,I'll go to school tomorrow"

Zander-"no you are not!"

I was shock by that and I saw Allon was shock too

he was mad at me, I can't blame him for being so concern

I bet everyone will act that way if they know about my illness

Allon looks at me with concern then Zander went to the kitchen

Allon-"Me, it's okay don't force yourself...It's all my fault.."

he said that under his breath but I heard it anyway....

i look back to the TV..and pretend that I didn't hear a thing


Allon-"nothing, so when did you came back here"

Mimi-"A week ago..."

Allon-"what's your relationship with him?"(now he's pointing at Zander's direction)

Mimi-"ah..he's my----"

Zander-"I'm her boyfriend"

"WHAT! since when did he became my guy?"

Allon was looking at me waiting for me to confirm what Zander just said

I guess it would be better like I didn't object

I smile at Allon then I nod

I saw the sadness in his eyes, At that time I want to

cry, just thinking about saying goodbye to him makes me cry already

I don't want to hurt him the way I did before

even thought there's a part of me that blame him

I know that I'm still in love with him....

but I know I should let go of him already for them to be happy

We're just watching basketball when My head suddenly hurts...


I look at him, he already know what I'm feeling right now...

Zander-"you should sleep now..."

Allon-"I guess I have to say goodnight, take care..."

He stood up, I want to stop him, I want to tell him

if he could just stay, even just now....But I stop myself

Mimi-"oh...bye, thanks for the visit, don't worry I'll be fine soon"

I was about to stand when Allon reach out his hands to me

I look at him, he has a smile on his face that makes me smile too

He help me to stand up

Allon-"I want to see you sleep...can I?"

He was looking at Zander and Zander was looking at me

I just nod at him and then Zander just smile at Allon

He was still holding my hands, he was still smiling

he looks like a kid having a time of his life

We went straight to my room and I went to bed

he was still there, and I know he was staring at me

so I turn around and look at him

Mimi-"you know you look stupid mr.President"

Allon-"really? it's okay as long as I can see you"

Mimi-"your crazy get out of here!"

Allon-"Not until you fall into a deep sleep"

Mimi-"and you expect me to sleep while your watching me?"

He was smile when he went to sit beside the bed

I didn't react when he suddenly kiss my forehead

"Oh..I wish we can live like this every single day Allon

I wish you were mine, How I wish I didn't have to say goodbye"

I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep,so that he would go home already

I feel his hands on my forehead, I can also feel that he's staring at me

how can he act like this if he's happy with Nisha,

I know it's a little bit selfish but I really want Allon all by myself

I want to hold his hand and never let go of it...

but I don't want him to see him suffer when I'm gone...


I didn't react so that he would think that I'm asleep

Allon-"Me don't leave me..I don't know why your cold

to me or if your mad at me but I rather have you like

this than to live with out you again..I know you have a boyfriend

and don't worry I won't do anything..I would just look at you, I'm okay with that

than to lose you again, than to be without you again...please "Me"

I want to hold him, tell him everything,

I want to kiss him, hug him and be with him always

"Allon! I love you!" I want to open my eyes right now

I want to shout at him right now...but with all my will

I control myself, I don't know how I did it but I did

I can hear his footsteps away from me then I heard the door close

I waited few minutes, I assured myself that He was already out of the house

I was so hurt!!my heart is breaking into pieces

it's like being stab by a thousand knives

I was in Pain...I don't know what I look outside

But I know one thing I was crying....


Author's note;Thanks for reading!!

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tell me what you feel!!

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