The Lies

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Mimi's POV

I walk away from him holding the tears in my eyes....

When I was far enough and sure that he's not following me

My tears falls down...I can't stop my self anymore

I was so hurt..I remember everything between us

I remember what happened to me...and I can't help myself

I stay a little time outside ...then went to the bench where

He first confess his feelings to me

I was just thinking what could have happen

if 'it' didn't happen to me, maybe me and Allon will be happy

Maybe I don't have to throw away my feelings for him

maybe just maybe for the first time my life will be happy


someone shout at me..

I know it was Nisha..she was running towards me

I fix my face and make sure that I don't look stupid

and obvious that...

I turn around and face her I wave at her then smile


Nish-"something wrong?"

Mimi-"neh...nothings wrong"

"everything is wrong"

nish-"did you somehow saw Allon"

Mimi-"No I didn't why? he's not with you?"

Nish-"nope He didn't even text me..."

she has a sad face...and I can see that she's really concern


Nish-"is it okay with you Mimi?"

Mimi-"You mean you and Allon right?"

She look down on the floor


I fake a laugh and I know she'll believe it

this is what I'm good at faking my feelings

Mimi-"come on! it's been two years or so! do you expect me to care?

of course it's okay, as long as your happy together"

she was shock at my respond but she did smile and I can see that she's happy

Nish-"really!! thanks Mimi your the best!"

mimi-"yeah yeah...go find you boyfriend okay."

then she search for Allon leaving me alone at the bench

I was so hurt by what she told me, it's funny but it hurts so much

I tried to just laugh at it I mean who would imagine that

the only person that I trusted will end up with the only guy I loved

let me rephrase that; that she will end up wit the guy I'm in love with until now

I tried not to cry again but it's no tears were falling

my heart is aching and I feel dizzy..then I remember that

I haven't take my medicine yet, so I reach for my pocket only to know

that it wasn't there maybe it falls when Allon was dragging me down away from the school

I search for my phone instead and call on Zander

Zander-"what's going on?"

Mimi-"pick me up now..I want to go home"

Zander-"okay, I'll be there, wait me at the gate okay"


He hung up and I walk towards the school gate

and wait for him there

Alexzander Chislon that was his real name,

he has been my doctor in America and He became my friend

to describe him I would say that he's the total package

he's tall, good looking and masculine not to mention

he's blue eyes and dark brown hair that looks sexy as hell

and the bonus is he's straight! Smart! and take love seriously

I was so happy to have him beside me today and that

he came with me, he knows that I won't obey the

medical prescription so he decided to come with me

It's his first time in the philippines

I was just sitting their I feel so dizzy already

I felt the cram in my head..stupid weak body of mine!

"you okay?"

Allon..I'm sure it was him..

i didn't look back at him..

Mimi-"Nisha's looking for you...."

Allon-"I said you okay"

He was mad this time

but he sit beside me...and finally

my savior always come on time!

Zander-"Thilde! come on"

that's what he called me when

I know I'm gonna hear some nagging later


I stand up and leave without looking at Allon

but I wave my hand to say goodbye


author's note;Thank you so much for reading my story!!

Enjoy reading and tell me what you think

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What's with Nisha?

Mimi's hurting herself do you think?

Allon was mad at I doubt it...

what about you what do you think?

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