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Mimi's POV

Zander-Mimi...come on

I get out of the car...the airport..I walk straight to the gate and sat down at the first bench that I saw
I'm tired...exhausted actually...but I have to do this, I have to go and stay away from everybody... No one should know my condition, I close my eyes and I tried to remember what just happen...Allon he was so happy....I was so happy
I wish We could stay that way forever...


Allon-Mimi are you ready?!

He's outside of the house, its 7am ...I went outside to see him

Mimi-and why are you in my house this early in the morning?

Allon-Join me! (And then he smile and look straight at me)

Mimi-come on Allon's weekend and you want me to waste my time running?


He look at me, his like a baby begging for a candy and for me it's so cute...too cute for me to decline the offer

Mimi-okay...I'll just change

He nod and I walk straight to my room and find a clothes to wear..when I'm all dress up and ready to run I went outside and he was in the same spot...I walk slowly so that he wouldn't notice me until I was already in front of him...

Mimi-are we going to run or what?

He look at me and smile, then he stood up and grab my hand...

Allon- let's begin

He started running and because he was holding my hand I was drag along with him

We run for about 1hr and stop at the bakery shop that I really love

I sat down and Allon buy something for us, well that was a tough run.
I know he loves to run but what we did was just up to my limits, I'm quite skinny but that doesn't mean I'm into healthy stuff,I hate wasting my energy and I rather stay at home with popcorn and watch an anime

Allon-here you go...
He bought me my favorite cheesecake and chocolate drink, okay now the running issue is forgiven
Allon-you have to exercise once in a while you know way..
Allon-yeah yeah...that's why you should always be with me
Mimi-tssssi...and why is that?
I saw a pretty flower and look away from Allon he was saying something but I was just captivated by its beauty that I almost forget that we're talking about something
Allon-because you and me balance each other....hey! Are you even listening to me?
Mimi-clearly not :)...come one lets walk I want to go home and take a bath
Allon-your done?...
Mimi-duh...(then I point up my plate)
We stood up and he hold my hands, he was smiling and I didn't even know why
We were just making our way home and he was still holding my hand, I was happy
I look at him and he look back at me
Mimi-meet me tomorrow I want to say something you know our favorite spot right? Same time as usual okay?
Allon-why? What is that?'ll find out tomorrow
And I didn't even notice that we're already at the front of my house, we wave our goodbye and I look at him as he go
***end flashback***

At that time I was ready to say yes, I was ready to be his girl but everything went wrong and now here I am facing death and Allon will never know about it or at least the pain that I will go trough, he won't see me weak and in pain.For me the memory I have with them is enough. I don't want to see them cry or have pity in me, I know it's selfish but that's my wish before I die to leave everyone with a memory where I can still smile, laugh, and be a fool around them, that they don't have to see me as I wait to die.

Zander- are you ready? (He was smiling at me, I know he was asking if I'm sure)
I just nod and smile back at him,he grab my hand and spass it's me as I walk near to the final goodbye

Goodbye na ba talaga!!! Allon asan ka na??
What really happen? Find out sa next chapter!! :D
Another chapter!!! Near na and ending....
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