She's Sick

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Allon's POV

"Still not here!!...she's already late!!...

why is she not here!!'s lunch time!!

7:30am ang pasok! not half day!!

"me" where the heck are you!?"

"Allon stop what your doing you look stupid"

a friend told me that so..I'm back in reality

we're here in the Canteen at the usual place of the group

but Mimi's not here...I'm not in the mood alright so I just leave

and went outside of the school...waiting for her

My phone was I answer it

Allon-"who is this?"

"I'm Zander, Mimi's friend"

Allon-"where is she?"

zander-"are you at school right now? I have a favor to ask wait me outside of your school"

then He hung up, He didn't bother answering my question

but I wait their I want to know what happen to "Me"

after few minutes I saw a guy on the motorcycle

he was the same guy I saw yesterday

he walk towards me

zander-"hi would you mind giving this letter to your teacher and please don't read it"

he hand me this letter that was folded...I receive it

allon-"Where's "Me"?

Zander-"Sorry she don't want anyone to know, just do my favor."

I was irritated by that answer but I just put it aside

Allon-"okay, thanks"

I walk away and I'm about to go inside

Zander-"dude! are you her ex boyfriend?"

Allon-"No, She never gave me the chance..."


then he goes back to his motorcycle and drive away

I look at the letter in my hands

is this "Me's" excuse letter...

I want to open the letter to know the reason why

but that guy told me not to...

Mithilde doesn't want anyone to know...

I went back and go straight to the classroom

I gave the letter to the teacher and she read it

I can read her face, she was worried about her

could it be that "Me" is sick?

I want to ask Nisha but it seems to me that

she doesn't know, she's been looking around

every since the class start's, maybe she's worried about her too

Our class end and I was the last one to go out of the office

I have a lot of things to do, I check my bag before I leave

then I find a small plastic on the pocket of my bag

I guess it belongs to Mimi, I saw it on the way back to school

that time when I drag her and slam her at the wall...

I take a look at what's inside then I saw medicine..

"She was sick at those time?"

I feel bad and I was mad to myself

why do I have to slam her that hard on the wall

I didn't even notice that she's sick...


I was in my room, I can't help but think of her

I want to visit her, I want to see her

ever since she came back,

I want to see her every single day

I stood up and called that guy

who gives me the letter

he answered


but I was shocked when I heard Mimi's voice

it was so weak but gentle and it's quiet angelic

Allon-Me? you okay?

I know that she knows who I am

I can also feel that she was shock

she didn't answer

Allon-"Please don't hang up..Me please"

Mimi-"Don't be OA..I just had a fever"

that was a relieve...and she not cold to me now

Allon-"can I visit you?"


Allon-"Me please let me visit you"

Mimi-"just now okay, You know where I live right?"

Allon-"thanks I'll be there...just wait me okay"



Author's Note; Thanks for reading it!!

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Would Mimi reveal to Allon about her being sick?

She's not cold to Allon!!yehey!!

so what was you reaction please tell me

I want to know....

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