Getting Close

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Mimi's POV

School days pass by so's already weekend, I was doing nothing

and I was so bored!!...Zander is not here he has some sort of meeting in the hospital

so I decided to go out...I went straight to the bakeshop, I order a chocolate mint frap

and as usual my favorite cheesecake, I sat down on the chair and put my food on the table

well I guess a simple cheesecake and frap can make my day....I was enjoying my food

when someone suddenly put another slice of cheesecake on my table I look up

and I automatically smily at the person who put the cheesecake on my table

"can I sit here?"

I was still smiling at him and nod

Mimi-" your my stalker now?"

Judas-"you wish..."

a very arrogant sexy smirk was on his face, that reminds me of Allon

He sat next to me...and I was comfortable being with him

because he reminds me of Allon but still there's apart of me telling not to trust him

well I guess it's just a side effect of what I've been through before

Judas-"your weird...."

he said it then sip on his frap with a playful tone on his voice

Mimi-"sorry...I'm just not comfortable to hang with someone I don't know well"

Judas-" I have to win you"

with a playful tone in his voice that brings back the playgirl in me

I look at him and then smirk at him

Mimi-"yup...and you know what...I'm hard to get"

now both of us are playing...his fun to be with after all

that was the start of our friendship, ever since that day Judas has been a friend

sometimes I ask him about Allon but then I notice that they're not so close

so I avoid that topic, I'm still not comfortable being with him but I trust him now

he respect my decision that we won't have any skin contact except if I suddenly fall or something like that

he has been my companion every weekend when Zander is busy, He was so fun to be with

even though I know I'm getting worse than before some of my medicine doesn't have an effect on me anymore

but at least I was having fun, everything was fine, everyone is happy and that's a relief for me

I know now that nothing will happen when I'm gone, the only reason for me to stay is to know that


Judas-"So I'll pick you up?"

Mimi-"sure..I'll be ready in 30minutes"

then I hung up and choose a perfect outfit for the club night,

I chose the black leather skater skirt and a cute contrasting crop top

and my favorite glittery black sneaker wedge that's about 4inch and

match it with my make up, I can say it looks a little rebel and emo at the same time but it was cute.

I was just waiting for Judas and went down stair,

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