Chapter 7

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(Y/N)= Your name

(F/P)= Favorite Pajamas

Day 0

A couple hours after we brought in Levi, the doctor came out. She walked over to us and we stood up.

"He's stable now," she said. "He has a broken arm and dislocated elbow, which are now good. But, he's in a coma. I'm so sorry. We'll do everything we can to wake him up, but there are no guarantees. I am also afraid that you can't see him just yet."

Hanji took my hand. I couldn't breathe. Why? Why Levi? It should have me, not him.

Levi-nii is useful to humanity. After all, he is 'Humanities Strongest Soldier'. I was just 'Corporal (Y/N)'. 'Squad Leader (Y/N)'. I am a nobody.

I got my new wheelchair Hanji obtained for me and went to the doctor after Hanji sat down.

"Doc? Could you please.... please just take care of him? He's the last of my family I have left. Just... please?"

She nodded and went back inside the sterile hospital area.

"(Y/N), let's go back. There's nothing for us to do here, anyway."

I reluctantly nodded and I wheeled away. Hanji stopped me and started pushing me to headquarters.

On the way there, Hanji stoped. We were in a flower patch. It was the place where Levi, Farlan, Isabel and I spent our last days together.


"Levi-Nii! Farlan! Come on!" Isabel waved at Levi to hurry up. Levi-Nii and Farlan-nii were taking their sweet time.

"Hai, Hai. We're coming." Farlan said

Is and I sat down and picked flowers. We braided them into each other's hairs and made flower crowns and bracelets.

I made one crown for Levi and put it in his hair. He giggled and smiled.

"Tch, (Y/N). It's from the ground. It's dirty!"

Isabel put one in Farlan's hair and we all smiled and laughed.

We layed down and cloud-dazed, except for Levi because "It's dirty".

"Guys," I started. "Promise me something. Survive tomorrow. Survive, so we have more days like this one."

They all nodded.

"We'll be with you forever, (Y/N)!" Isabelle-nee said.

I guess they lied.

--Flashback End---

"(Y/N). He's Levi. He's going to be fine." Hanji said.

I looked at her. Tears were forming in her eyes, or they were already there.

I gave a faux smile and nodded. "I know, Hanji. He's not my onii for nothing!"

We both laughed our way back to HQ.


I wheeled to Erwin's office, took a deep breath, and knocked. Hanji gave me permission to tell Erwin how bad Levi's condition was.

"State your name and business," he said

"(Y/N) Ackerman, sir. I am here to update you on Levi."

"Come on in!"

I opened the door and wheeled in. Erwin was on his desk. He had a pile of paperwork and a cup of something.

"Tea," my mind told you. Tears welled in my eyes.

"Would you like some tea, Corporal?" I shook my head.

"How is he, Corporal Ackerman?" Erwin asked.

You took a deep breath and told him the information I had while holding back the salty tears in my eyes.

"Do you mind telling me how this happened to him, sir?"

It was Erwin's turn to take a deep breath.

"There was a female titan-"

"A female titan? Is that even possible?"

"She's a titan shifter, like Cadet Jager."


"Anyways, she was chasing Levi Squad and ending up killing the whole squad. Cadet Jager ran for help. When I arrived, Corporal Ackerman was holding onto his life."

"I guess I'll have to thank you, sir, for saving Le- Corporal Ackerman's life," I said.

"You can do that right now by helping me with paperwork."

I nodded and grabbed a stack of paperwork and went right to work. We worked together and finished his paperwork.

"Well, thank you for that, Corporal. You helped a lot."

I nodded and said, "Anytime, sir. I should get going now."

He nodded, "You're dismissed."

I saluted and wheeled away to my room. On my bed, there was my folded (F/P) with a note on top.

I washed your pajamas with pleasure :)

Love, Hanji.

I smiled as I put them on and got in bed.

Before going to bed, I grabbed my charm bracelet Levi got for me in the Underground. I put it on my wrist, playing with it as my eyes got droopy and droopy.

That's that. And Doreahs says hi. She's my sis and is judging my book. She says that if I make it to the top 5 in a year or less, she'll give me $20, so yay!

Word Count: 768 Words

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