Chapter 11

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Day 45
(( Back to your POV btw))
"Lalala," I sang skipping through the hallways, bags in my hand.
"Well, someone's in a good mood," Hanji said, stopping me. 
"OK THEN! Let's go bring our new babies home!!!" Hanji exclaimed.
We both grabbed our bags and started skipping again.
<<Levi POV>>
I got up and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision (A/N: I don't know the exact phrase ok).  I looked around and saw white all over.
"Infirmary," my mind told me.
As I continued to look around saw nobody around. My left arm was wrapped up and my right had an IV connected to it. I disconnected my IV and got up. 
My legs were a bit shaky but it was fine, I've been through worse. I was about to exit but a nurse came in.
"Oh, Corporal Levi!" She said. "You can't be out of bed yet! You just got up!"
"Tch," I told her. "I'm the Corporal, I can leave when I want," I said continuing to walk out. 
Now, where's (Y/N)?

<<Your POV>>
I rode fast to HQ, letting the wind flow through my hair. I couldn't wait to see Levi-nii and tell him how there were no casualties in this expedition. 
"Corporal Ackerman! Slow down!" Erwin said.
"Yeah, yeah," I said slowing down when I got into the stables. 
I put (H/N) in his stable place and ran inside.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I said feeling the feeling of home. 
I went to my room and changed into my sweatpants and sweatshirt. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun. 
I then went to the infirmary to go see nii-chan and heard voices. I then heard a  'tch'. I quickly entered the room to see a sight.

Hey guys! Thanks for waiting more than a month. I've been trying to fix Wattpad for a while and now it finally works. After it was fixed, I was too busy to write. Also, season 3 finally came out sooooooooo YAYYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAA.
Ok, I'm done. Love to you all! ❤❤❤
**Written on a computer, posted on a phone sorry**
Word count: 372 Words (Sorry its short)

 Love to you all! ❤❤❤**Written on a computer, posted on a phone sorry**Word count: 372 Words (Sorry its short)

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