I know the cover is Hanji but just pretend it's you, ok?
(A/N)= Author's Note
(Y/N)= Your Name
It was day two since the Titans came in. I didn't leave my room, partly because I couldn't. The titan that grabbed me also smashed my leg. For the next three months, I would be stuck in bed and rehab.
Levi took over my squad for the time being. Hanji came in every day to update me on what I missed in life. She said Levi wasn't the same since I've been gone (A/N: SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE I CAN'T BREATHE FOR THE FIRST TIME).
The thing was, I couldn't see him. He had saved me, and I couldn't see him. No matter how many times he knocked on my door to see me, I shoved him away. I missed him. He was the only family I had left. I just couldn't stand to see him.
I hated it. I was this close to death. THIS CLOSE to escaping this birdcage, and he saved me. I just wanted to leave this cruel world. I wanted to join a world ridded of titans. A world with my parents, Isabel-nee and Farlan-nii.
A knock was heard on my door.
"What?" I asked the being outside my door
Hanji walked in with bread and a potato.
"(Y/N). Come on," She said placing the food on my bed. "You can't stay in here forever. People miss you, especially Levi."
I took a bite out of my bread. "Hanji. I kinda have to. My leg is broken and I can't move."
Hanji stepped outside for a second and came back with a wheelchair.
"No. I will not be using a wheelchair," I told her.
"Come on. Just once, please?"
"Ugh, (Y/N). You're so borrrinnngggg."
A knock was heard at the door.
"Who is it?" I asked in my most cheerful voice possible.
"It's Levi. (Y/N), please let me in, we have to talk."
I waited a couple seconds to make sure he left. Hanji was looking at me.
"Don't you think you were a little too harsh on him? I mean, he's family."
I sighed "One day, Hanji, you're going to lose someone you care about. I'm not talking about all your little titans killed outside the walls. I'm talking about actual people, like me. And it's going to DESTROY you. .." I said. Hanji's eyes softened a little bit.
"In this brutal world, anyone can die, to the hands of other people fighting for food to the hands of the bloodthirsty Titans. I may act all happy and care-free, but I'm screaming on the inside. I'm scared, Hanji. I don't wanna lose anyone... Not Levi...Not you... Not even eyebrows king...." I started to sob. Hanji leaned in and hugged me. She started rubbing circles on your back, which calmed me.
"(Y/N), we're all scared to lose someone we love. Heck, even I'm scared to lose Shorty, even though some days I just wanna kick his ass to space. It's fine if you don't wanna see him now, but you're going to have to see him someday. You have to love. Love kills sometimes, but it's all worth it in the end," Hanji said.
"I'm just going to leave now..." Hanji said.
"Wait, Hanji" She turned around. "Could you... stay with me a little longer?"
She came and sat down in the chair next to me. She played with my hair, and nobody said anything.
Well, here is chapter 3. Thanks to you people reading this. LOVE FOR ALL OF YOU PEOPLE
Word Count: 610 Words (LET'S GO MY LONGEST CHAPTER)

Levi-Nii: A Levi x Reader Fanfic
FanficYou are (Y/N) Ackerman, Levi's little sister. You guys are really close, almost inseperable. What happens after you guys move out of the Underground? NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ATTACK ON TITAN AND I DEFENITLY DO NOT OWN YOU NOTE #2: YOU BELONG TO LEVI (heh...