Chapter 4

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I'm typing this on the bus on my iPad so sorry for errors😊
Vocab shit:
(Y/n)= Your name
(D/O/C)= Drink of choice

Hanji left after you slept, and you were all alone. I was boring, as Hanji said. I looked at the wheelchair she brought in.
"Hey...." I thought. "Maybe I should use it..."
I scotched over to the edge of the bed and jumped into the wheelchair.
"Huh, this isn't so bad"
I wheeled to the door and opened up the door. I took a deep breathe and prepared myself for the outside world.
I made my way to mess hall. My stomach growled. I would kill for some soup and a cup of (D/O/C).
The minute I arrived to Mess hall, everyone looked at me.
"Corporal Ackerman!" Mikasa said. "You're back!"
"Well," I scratched my neck. "I just wanted to see how everyone is doing.
"SHORTY YOU USED IT!!!" I turned around to see Hanji behind the wheelchair.
"Jeez Hanji. And yeah I used the wheelchair. Big deal."
"Yeah, it is! Come on, let's eat!"
Hanji took the handles of the wheelchair and wheeled me to the table. She went away and got me (D/O/C) and put it next to me. I stared at it, and died.
"You, Hanji, are a literal goddess. A GODDESS!"
I grabbed the cup and drunk. It was the best thing I had drunk in ages.
Hanji came back with food for me and for her. She had chosen tomato soup.
"What the heck Hanji. How the heck do you know what I want on what day???"
She shrugged and said, "lucky guess."
I ate and looked around. Levi was nowhere is sight. I missed him. Yeah, I was harsh on him, but I wasn't ready to see him just yet. Now I was, and he wasn't here. Damn it, Onii-Chan.
"Can we sit with you, Corporal Ackerman?" Someone asked. It was Mikasa. She was with my whole squad.
"Yeah, have a seat. But how many times do I have to tell you p, it's (Y/N)!"
They all sat, and looked at me.
"So, how are you feeling (Y/N)?" Yimir asked.
"I'm ok...." I said. "Where's Levi, by the way? Shouldn't he be with you all?"
"Oh, today is the 57th Expedition. Levi told us to stay. He said, quote on quote 'You guys are a burdance without your squad leader. Stay back'. So here we are." Christa explained
Baka, Levi.
We had conversations while my squad filled me up on life. They told me about training with Levi and how different we were from each other. They told me about the juicy gossip about romance.
"Rumor has it that Levi is dating Petra," Sasha said while chewing her millionth potato today. "It's said that if Petra survives this expedition, Levi will propose."
"Hahaha. That's a rumor," I said. "If he was dating Petra, he would've said something to me a while ago. And, it's Levi. He's an emotionless human who can't even go shopping for the correct shirt without needing help."
Everyone looked at me.
"If that was true, then how come he wasn't himself," Sasha said. The other girls nodded in agreement. "Rumor has it-"
"I should call you rumor girl instead of Potato Girl"
"STOP AND LET ME SPEAK! Anyway, it was said that every time you kicked and shoved Levi away from your life, he went into his room and cried."
"Funny. Levi wasted all his tears the day he was born and the day Is and Farlan died."
We all finished our food. Hanji took my plate and washed all the dishes until the dishes sparkled, knowing that Levi would litterly die if he came back to dirty dishes.
"Ok, well, I think I should go back to rest..."

My squad waved me good bye as I wheeled back to my room. I grabbed some paperwork to do as I was behind.
I fell asleep doing my work.

Well, that's chapter 4. Written entirely on my iPad and phone and on a bus.
Shout out to @da_queen_of_hogwarts and other peoples. she's my friend and found my story hurray
Also, sorry this is so boring
Word Count: 716 Words

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