Chapter 18

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wattpad i swear to God if u don't post this chapter im killing u and all the fanfics u make into movies (complete lie btw but if they don't let me post this and people can't see it im UGHHH)
Also hi bea

~(Y/N) POV~

I woke up feeling grody with a lingering headache. Everything was kinda fuzzy, but I here was one thing that I did remember, or maybe it was just in my imagination. 

Levi was in here, and I was sick.

Before I fell asleep, he said the "L" word.


I mean, maybe it was just like a sibling thing. Siblings love each other, right?

But we aren't siblings, and we established that between us, kinda. Does that mean that he actually loves loves me? Am I out of the sibling zone (idk why people like that a ton lmao i came up with that while watching some movie and the girl said "i see you as a brother")?

I got up out of bed and put on my uniform. I (PUT MY MESSY BROWN HAIR IN A MESSY BUN WITH A SCRUNCHIE) brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. I put on some light makeup as well. Knowing the protectiveness of the Survey Core, they won't let me get to work until I look, sound, and feel better.

Getting out of my room, I walked into the dining hall to get some food. I grabbed a tray and started to pile up some food. While I reached for some sort of meat, a hand stopped me.


"Now, now," she said. "What do you think you are doing out of bed? There is no way unless you're Eren Jaeger that you healed that  fast. So, Shorty, get your ass back into bed before I have to drag you there."

"But Hanji look I'm fine!" I said.

"I can hear your stuffiness from a kilometer away. Go back to bed."

I sighed and got my tray of food and walked to my office. I started to work on some paperwork that I missed out on until I heard a knock on my door. 

"State your name and business," I ordered. 

Nobody said anything, but the door still opened up. I looked up from my work and found Levi. 

"Why are you even up and doing work? You should be resting," He said. 

"Good morning to you too. And I'm fine. Four-eyes just sent me in here because she still thinks that I'm sick," I replied. 

"Tch," He said, "I can hear your sickness from the other side of the building. Anyways, I brought you some tea. Eyebrows doesn't want you working today anyways, in case you infect other people."

"Fine, thanks for the tea."

I was too shy to bring up what he said last night. Things between us felt... Okay. I didn't want to mess it up with something that I could have imagined. 

"By the way, (Y/N)" he questioned. "Why are you so dressed up today? Your hair is brushed and in a ponytail and you're wearing makeup, and you never do that."

"Um..." I struggled to answer. How did he even notice that I was wearing makeup in the first place? "I just wanted to make myself look good so I could go back to work."

"You sure you weren't, I don't know, seeing some boy?"

"No, Levi!" I replied. 

"Tch, well alright. I got to go train my squad. Bye, (Y/N)." He said, with a hit of sadness?

I couldn't just leave it at that. I needed to say something. With my heart pounding, I jumped out of my chair, papers exploding all over. 

"WAIT!" I screamed as I grabbed his hand. g

He turned around. Crap, why did I even want to do this? What did I even want to say? 

I took a deep breath and just said it. "The truth is, I wouldn't be seeing be seeing anyone else because... because I love you! There I said it. I love you. And I don't care if you don't love me back because you have feelings for Petra or whoever, but I just had to let you know that I do." 

Levi took a deep breath and said, "Crap."

I looked at him as he continued. "It could have been anyone in this core or the world. I have fan clubs on me and people go crazy for me in the crowds! Yet I just had to fall for you in this life. In this depressing life where we don't know when or where we die. Tch, nonetheless I still love you."

He leaned forward and kissed my forehead and walked out, leaving me flabbergasted. 

Tee hee IM BACK! I know I know I said I would be done with this book, BUT I'm bored during quarantine and I don't have anything else to do so why not write and possibly finish this book? Anyways, stay safe everyone during this corona craziness. Also I'm so sorry that this is the worst thing I have ever written. 

Signing off,


Word Count: 838 

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