You are (Y/N) Ackerman, Levi's little sister. You guys are really close, almost inseperable. What happens after you guys move out of the Underground?
Nobody was allowed to see Levi in case of 'contamination'.
Every day I went with someone, either Hanji or Erwin, to see if we were allowed to see him. Every day they gave us the same answer of no.
I finally got a leg brace and walked again. I was allowed back to work and to train my squad.
Levi wasn't there.
It was strange, though. This is the longest I've been away from Levi. I would wake up, stay in bed until Levi-nii would come and remember he's not here.
In mess hall, I would take out the tea and make a perfect cup of black tea, only to go to waste because Levi is the only person who likes pitch black tea.
Then in training. I would hold the blade correctly and wait for Levi to come and correct me the way that we learned in the Underground.
He never came.
Day 14
Two weeks have passed since Levi fell into a coma.
The doctor said that I might be able to see Levi-nii after two weeks, so today, Hanji decided that she would come with me to the hospital. I'm fine with it though. He and Hanji have been close since we joined the Corps, and I feel like Levi might be a little happy to see her.
That is, though, if he can feel anything in a coma.
I was off, so there was no need to wear my uniform to town. I decided to wear my favorite (F/C) flower dress that Levi got me for my 15th birthday.
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(A/N: This is what the dress looks like except in your favorite color)
When I put it on, it was longer than it should, meaning that I shrunk.
"Well, that's nice," I thought to myself.
There was a knock at the door.
"(Y/N)! ARE YOU READY YET SHORTY??" It was Hanji.
"YES, TITAN MOMMY!" I screamed back at her. 'Titan Mommy' was my new nickname for her. She started keeping titans as people again and cried when they were killed by accident, just like a mom cries for her kid's when they die.
I walked out of the room, and together we walked to the hospital.
---Time Skip---
We walked into the hospital.
"Excuse me, Miss Ackerman, may I talk to you in my office? Miss Zoe, you may go in,"The doctor said.
Hanji had a huge smile on her face and was lead into the patient area (A/N: I watch Grey's Anatomy but I don't know the area where patients stay is called xD).
I followed the doctor into her office and closed the door. I mean, this is Levi Ackerman we're talking about, not just any random person.
"So, what can I help you with?" I asked.
"Well, Mr.Ackerman has been in a coma for two weeks now. It's time to decide some more... well permanent options for him. We need some rooms, and since you are his immediate relative available, it's your choice."
I looked at her confused.
"Well, basically you have two options to choose from. You can either take him off life support, which will end his pain, or you can send him to a permanent living society to see if he'll wake up. Now I have-"
"Stop, stop," I said. "You're asking me to either kill my brother or to send him away."
"Well yes, and I have great places lined up for you to chose from which are great for Mr.Ackerman that will correlate to his fame and will protect him." She handed me brochures of places. "Now you don't have to choose now. You can choose tomorrow or ASAP," she said, smiling.
I grabbed the brochures and smiled. "Thanks! You know what? I made my decision! Fuck you!" I said throwing the brochures in her face.
I started to run. I ran out of the hospital, past HQ, past the graveyard, and stopped at the flower field. I could've kept going if my brace wasn't giving my knee blisters.
I caught my breath and made flower bracelets.
"Here, Is. It's for you!" I said laughing. "Funny, you can accept it because you're dead!"
I cloud gazed. That crazy doctor was asking me to kill my brother either way. That big brat.
I recognized the time and realized that I had to go back to HQ before anyone thought I was dead.
Just as I was walking, someone screamed "Hey! Isn't that Corporal (Y/N)? What a sexy!"
I turned around and saw a group of men running towards me. I reached down into my mini boots and grabbed my pocket knife, and started to run away, holding the 12-inch pocket knife that Levi made me carry around since I was 6. I ran towards HQ, right through the doors, and into my room.
I threw off my dress and into my sweatpants and Survey Corps Sweatshirt. I went to my bed, grabbed my tissues and cried.
Cried because my brother was going to die. Cried because I have no family left. Cried because there's no one left in my life left. Cried because I'm useless. Cried because I missed Isabel and Farlan. Cried for too many reasons.
I don't know how much time passed, but I heard a knock on the door.
"(Y/N)? Can I come in?" It was Hanji. Her voice was so soft and unlike her, I had to let her in.
"(Y/N), Levi is not going to die. That's because... I choose for you."
I jumped out of bed and looked at her. "Hanji Zoe. What. The heck. Did. You. Do?!"
"I chose to move him to HQ. That way, you can stay with him, and he'll be safe."
I started to cry even more and jumped right onto her, hugging her.
"Hanji, thank you. You are literally the best."
"I love your mood changes," she said.
I hit her.
"Ow!" She yelled "Anyway, you should sleep. You look terrible."