Chapter 20

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--Time skip: many years into the future--

(Y/N)'s POV:

It may have been the start of winter, but the sun was still shining and the weather was good enough for everyone to still be wearing short sleeves. As I walked to school, I listened to the leaves crunching beneath my feet, expressing how fall had just passed. I didn't live far from my high school, Shingashina Central, and it was a daily thing for me to have to walk to school. My aunt refused to drive me because she would be late to work. 

I walked into my high school, and felt a buzz in my pocket. 

"Be nice and venture out today!" It read. It was from my family friend, Hanji. She always texted me a good morning text as well as advise. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into class. I got to class I saw that everyone was around one specific desk. I couldn't be the oddball out, so I went and joined the crowd. 

In the desk that is usually empty sat some guy with raven hair and these striking gray eyes. He wasn't someone that I saw around, so he couldn't have been a transfer student. He had to be completely new. He wore a black t-shirt and a pear of jeans with converse. He seemed uninterested in everything that was going on around him. I sat down in my unassigned assigned seat (yall know what I mean, right?) and got my stuff ready for class. Levi looked...oddly familiar. I wanted to introduce myself, but I wasn't about to with all the busting around him. 

Our teacher, Mr. Smith, walked in right during the bell. We listened to announcements. 

When they were over, Mr. Smith started class. "Good morning everyone! As you may or ay not have noticed, we have a new student all the way from France! Levi, why don't you come up?"

Levi sighed and reluctantly went up. "I'm Levi Ackerman," he said and immediately went back to his spot. I heard all the girls sigh at him and giggle. I just gagged. I mean, he's not that good looking. 

"Ok, class! We're going to be doing a project that REQUIRES partners. Even if you hate working in partners" he looked straight at me "you will still be needing to work in partners. This will only take one day and you will finish it in the time in class and before school."

"Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith!" Maria called out. "Can we choose our partners?" 

"No," he replied as the class groaned. "The right side of the class will come up and pick names from the left side of the class." 

That meant me. I got up and sighed, hoping that I would at least get picked with someone who would do some work. 

I was in the middle of the line. Everyone before me went and it was finally my turn. I drew the name and looked at the writing. 

Levi Ackerman.

Just my luck to be pared with the new kid. 

Everyone drew their partners and Mr. Smith smiled. "Great. Your assignment is to write a story about a person going to a different country. Ready, set, go!"

I went back to my table and pushed my desk closer to Levi's. Now was the time to introduce myself. 

"Hey! I'm (Y/N) (L/N). We're partners." 

"Okay," he replied. I started getting out my computer to do research on a country. 

"Tch, what do you think you're doing?" He asked me.

"Um, I mean we have to do research on a country to know what to do?" I questioned.

"France or Japan. I lived in both, so there's no need to research. Get your pick."

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