14 years.

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Jeongguk was 14 and Taehyung was 16 when Jeongguk noticed Taehyung was bullied.

He was walking to his next class when he had heard voice from a nearby empty classroom.

"You know what you are?"

"A fag"

"You're pathetic"

"People like you should die"

"Why don't you go suck someone's dick"

Jeongguk wasn't the one to involve in other people's business but when he had heard that voice plead. "Please let me go" he had snapped. He could recognise even in his sleep, he could recognise that voice even if he turned deaf.

He pushed the class door open to see Taehyung slumped down against the wall and four guys towering over him.

Taehyung was trembling, crying and Jeongguk saw red.

He walked towards them and punched each and every guy the best he could "you don't mess with him" he said looking at them in the eyes before dragging Taehyung out of the classroom by his hand.

Jeongguk had fumed when Taehyung had told
him it had been going on for a while. The next day he walked with Taehyung glaring at each and everyone who looked at Taehyung longer than necessary. The times he wouldn't be able to be with Taehyung he made Jimin promise to never leave his side.

Jeongguk was 14 when he decided to protect the only person who meant the world to him with all his life.

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