24 years.

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Jeongguk was 24 and Taehyung was 26 when Taehyung had his heart broken

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Jeongguk was 24 and Taehyung was 26 when Taehyung had his heart broken.

Jeongguk and Mina's wedding rehearsal was about to start when Jeongguk received a call From Taehyung as he picked up phone Mina had yelled from the stage.

"Jeongguk come back"

And at the same time he heard Taehyung's broken "Jeonggukie"

Jeongguk's heart had almost stopped when he heard Taehyung's broken voice. He couldn't form a coherent sentence for a minute, as his lips trembled and hands started shaking "w-what's wrong Taehyung?

"I-it hurts" Taehyung had said his deep voice cracking in the end before converting into a disgruntled sob.

"Where are you?" Jeongguk had asked frantically.


And that's all it took Jeongguk to abandon the rehearsal dinner, with only providing Mina with one explanation that Taehyung needed him. He left, all the people and Mina to ran to Taehyung.

He looked at Taehyung when he reached, his body shaking as he sobbed painfully. He had wrapped his arms around Taehyung's frame delicately like he would break in one wrong move. He had whispered sweet nothings in Taehyung's ear while his ran massaged his scalp.

"I'm here it's okay" Jeongguk had said which made Taehyung tighten his hold on Jeongguk burying his face in the crook of the other man's neck.

"He was cheating on me" he had whispered softly, so softly that Jeongguk would've missed it if he wouldn't have been paying attention.

"I am not enough" Taehyung had said when Jeongguk didn't answer.

" I was never enough"

Jeongguk had then pulled back and proceeded to cradle the elders delicate face in his hands and had looked him in the eyes "you are more than enough, he's just stupid, he doesn't deserve you, you deserve so much love, you deserve someone who loves you with all in them, someone who looks at you like you're the only star in the sky, someone know understands you, someone who loves you in your good and bad, someone who treats your scars as art, someone who can do anything for you, someone who loves you more than they love themselves, someone who would leave everything for you, someone like-"

"You." Taehyung had said cutting Jeongguk off. And then finally, finally Jeongguk realised that yes, unknowingly all the things he had been stating, were just facts, facts about how he felt for Taehyung. Unconsciously he said "someone like me" more to himself than to Taehyung.

He had looked at Taehyung again, just releasing how close they actually were, noses brushing, bodies so close as they were wrapped around each other. So Jeongguk had taken the leap, the fall and did something he would never, never in his conscious mind imagine himself doing it.

He pressed his lips against Taehyung's soft ones.

Jeongguk and Taehyung had slept contended that night, wrapped up in each other.

The next day Jeongguk went over Mina's to call of the wedding but as soon as Mina had taken a look on Jeongguk's face she had said "you love him" Jeongguk has guiltily nodded,looking towards the ground.

"I'll call the wedding off, I knew it all along but I was too selfish to give you up" she had then said with a small sad smile but no bitterness at all.

Jeongguk had been shocked as he asked dumbly "you knew?"

"Anyone with eyes could see that Taehyung is your sun and you revolve around him like a pathetic planet" she had said teasingly and just like that they cracked up laughing.

Jeongguk was 24 when he finally admitted that he loved Taehyung out loud.

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