13 years.

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Jeongguk was 13 and Taehyung was 15 when he came out

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Jeongguk was 13 and Taehyung was 15 when he came out.

Jeongguk had finished his football practice late and decided to visit Taehyung before he went home even thought he was tired, he reasoned that he hadn't seen Taehyung throughout the way because he was hanging out with his other friends.

He found Taehyung's parents sitting on dinner table discussing something important, looking at their worried faces he asked what was up. They smiled telling him to go to Taehyung because he was going through a tough phase was wasn't allowing them to enter his room.

Jeongguk has heard sniffles and crying when he has reached the door,worriedly he knocked on the door saying that it's him. After some seconds, the door opened and he was met with the sight of Taehyung's puffy red eyes and cheeks and tears streaked down his face. Jeongguk immediately gathered Taehyung in his arms as the older weeped, his tears soaking in Jeongguk's jersey. Jeongguk ran his hands through the other boy's hair telling him 'it's okay' even though he didn't know the reason for which Taehyung had been crying.

After a while, Taehyung calmed down, Jeongguk pulled away looking at the other face, he quickly wiped all the tears and snot from Taehyung's face not feeling disgusted at all before he asked the reason.

Jeongguk noticed how Taehyung's bottom lips wobbled as he croaked out "I'm gay"

To say that Jeongguk was startled was an understatement, he knew expected Taehyung to say that out all of the things. There were not many people in his school who were gay, Jeongguk didn't mind but he wouldn't deny that he was a little uncomfortable looking at them.

Then he looked at Taehyung, almond eyes, soft skin, tear streaked cheeks, glasses perched up on his nose. Taehyung was would never make him disgusted by anything he did. He would never feel uncomfortable around Taehyung Jeongguk thinks before he hugs Taehyung again.

"So? What were you crying for?" Jeongguk had asked finally and Taehyung had blushed, embarrassed by his reason, he had softly answered "i thought you'd hate me"

Jeongguk smiled shaking his head before saying "I'm filled with too much love for you, hate has no space"

Jeongguk was 13 when he got totally comfortable with the term gay because of Taehyung.

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