8. Need me

6 0 0

I walk out holding Jacques, thank god I keep a car seat in here since Meka, always working . I strap him in I closed the door "It's a shame we keep bumping into each other ." I turned to see Kaleb "Yeah it is." This dude fine but I don't feel like he my type . "What are you doing here?" I asked opening my front driver side door . "To see you."

"How would you know where I work ?"

"Perpre told me."

I rolled my eyes "okay what do you want?"

"Your number ."

I looked to my right to see Reigns .

"I got a man sweet pea."

"Your nephew said you didn't."

"Well I do Reigns !!!"

Mr. Nova looked at me and walked towards me I pull him close.

"This is my man Reigns."

"Don't you have a wife?"  Kaleb asked.

" None of ya business sir." Reigns said with a straight face.

Kaleb walked away.

"Thank you ."  I said getting in my car

"Yeah well I have a another office around town I don't have a assistant at the hospital over there so..."

"You need me huh?" I say

" Just like you needed me a few minutes ago."

"Okay fine what street?"

"Homeland where Walmart is ."

"Oh Reigns Hospital? I heard it was a amazing hospital I'll take the job."

"Yeah just come in at 9 you can doctorate your office it will be three doors down my office it should be easy to find ."


I drove off how I get fired than hired again ?  

I have to call Kayonie.

Mama - Kayonie be outside I'm on my way !

Kayonie - okay I'm ready to go anyway.

I laugh Takari is my baby brother he is now 3 years old and book smart but horrible a bad little boy and Kayonie can't take that.

I pull up to see Kayonie waiting she jumped in closing the door "Takari?"
"Shawn got him ." I reach my house as Q woke up "Onie...Nini " Kayonie turned and smiled Q is her favorite she got out unstrapped him and held him .
"Kay, I'm be home later call me and I'll call Meka to get Q !"

She nodded walking away playing with Q.

Reigns Hospital

I walk in this hospital is nice I did the instructions Reigns gave me and I smile at my office my name is printed on the door but my jaw dropped open. My left corner wall is rose gold, right side all white, front Rose Gold with white lining, My glass table sat a lap top , white leather chairs in front of my desk but behind it was a black computer chair . I look down my carpet is white and fluffy to the point I can run my feet in it , my name was now on my desk as Queenith ."do you like it?" I jumped by Mr. Nova voice "yes." I smiled carefully removing my heels and walking to my desk to take a seat. "Don't get use to it Queenith." I groan his dominance is back . He sat in front of me looking at me . "Rule number 1. Don't interrupt me while I'm on calls or in a meeting where you will be attending most of the time. Number 2. Be on time, Rule Number 3.   Eye contact is minimum, Rule Number 4. Email me important things, Rule Number 5  Be on top of things. "  He sternly said handing me a purple folder he handed me tea things I didn't know he had. "Don't get use to my nice side it's only for today oh a meeting at 1." He walked out closing my door I look at my clock it's 11 I groan I put my head sets in and played Medicine By Queen Najia. I vibe to that while looking through a folder . Alexandria Copper  19 years old , abortion in place on May 30th , twin boys born around 2 named Jason and Hayson but she has tried killing her boys 6 times and still has them in her custody. "Crazy bitch ." I start looking closely nothing else. I decided to look her up for more information ..."Amazing" I print the papers.  I look at the clock 10:58 I gather my papers paused my music and search for the meeting room I walk in taking a seat people were rushing in as Mr. Nova sat still a stern face . "Start the meeting Sheldon." He said.

"Well I looked Alexandria up she needs medication the boys need to stay with their father for a while than she can get her kids back sir. "

I sat still listening to this dumb ass .

"Gibson you may start."

"Alexandria Cooper is 19, with twin boys I see she will be here in two days with a abortion on her little girl . Alexandria, has schizophrenia so she needs meds or a mental hospital. The father Carl is in prison for rapping a 12 year old but his mother is 40 and I think she keep the kids  -"  "The baby girl is about to be aborted ." Sheldon pointed out cutting me off. "Who set the abortion date up?" I ask a pale girl , black hair, green eyes put her hand up. "It's to late she has to have the baby she is 7 months pregnant adoption is best in my opinion ." I say sitting up as Sheldon looked at me. "She has tried to drown her boys six times Mr. Sheldon , she is not qualified to have the kids around and if we give her the baby girl to take home and something happens it's all on us as a hospital our ratings will go down, we possibly can get sued making this hospital shut down leaving us broke with no payments." I say sitting up my arms crossed I can feel Mr. Nova eyes on me " To me we have to cancel the abortion date talk to the grandmother about putting Cooper on medication or in mental hospital. "

"We can do that Kira since you set the date cancel it ." Mr. Nova said getting a head nod from her. " back to work ." he said as everyone left Mr. Nova and Sheldon and I left in the office. "Smart girl." Sheldon said with a smile. "Thank you." I said leaving that boy is something else. Mr. Nova came in my office as I was on my office phone.

Me- Hi Ms. Kelly this is Queenith Gibson I had a meeting about your daughter in law Alexandria Cooper, we found out something's and was wondering will you want to know about the information we have . 

Ms. Kelly- I know the information but I need to know the abortion date

Me - May 30th on a Thursday she is seven months so she can't get one when she gives birth you and her need to figure out what to do she tried killing the twins six times so...

Mr. Nova took a seat watching my every move.

Ms. Kelly - oh my goodness thank you I'll deal with thank you Ms. Gibson.

Me - no problem

We hang up and I look at my computer .

"Smart mouth with Sheldon."

"Only speaking the truth with the evidence sir. "

"Meet me at 7 at night sharp he walked out " annoying ass" I moan lowly before flopping down .   

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