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Pisces noticed the tall dark boy from earlier leaving one of the rooms down the hallway. He didn't seem to notice her as he walked away and out of sight. Curiously, Pisces turned to check out the room he came out of when she practically ran into someone.


Suddenly arms were being wrapped around her. Pisces' eyes widened and a giggle escaped her lips. Hugging her was a blue haired girl.

"Omg Aqua!" Pisces exclaimed with happiness.

"Welcome to the mansion! Do you like your room?" Aquarius asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah, it's so big! I love it so much!" Pisces grinned even more.

Pisces and Aquarius were fairly good friends. While Pisces didn't know everyone in the mansion, she did know Aquarius. Since her and Aquarius were neighbouring signs, the two had become friends. Occasionally all of the celestial spirits of the sky's constellations would have meetings so Pisces happened to know Aquarius and was familiar with who Libra was. Now if she could only find Cancer...

"Oh by the way, who was that guy..." Pisces asked shyly, pointing behind her where the dark boy had been earlier.

"Oh Scorpio? He's my boyfriend," Aquarius answered.

"Ohh... that's nice," Pisces gave her a small smile, but she could feel a weird heaviness in her chest. Figuring it was nothing, she continued.
"Well anyway, I want to explore the mansion a little more. Oh, and do you know where Cancer is?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she's down stairs. Common, let's go find her."

The two went downstairs and sure enough they found Cancer in the games room watching Taurus and two other signs play video games.

"Pisces!" Cancer exclaimed happily once she saw the girl walk in, jumping off the couch.

"Hi Cancer!" Pisces hugged Cancer tightly.

"Pisces! You're squishing me!" Cancer managed out between Pisces' bear hug.

"Oooh sorry," Pisces giggled awkwardly and let her friend go.

Cancer was Pisces' best friend, and again one of the only Zodiac signs she actually knew.

"Awww man! I can't believe you beat me again!" Whined Taurus, throwing down his game controller.

"Try not being so predictable!" A red headed boy said with a smirk.

A green eyed boy beside him smiled wickedly.
"And try killing the enemy and not your teammates."

"Hmph.." Taurus pouted. "Whatever, I'm going to find Virgo."

"Ooooh Virgo! She's the only one that wistens to me! How I wove her!" The green eyed boy said in a babyish tone.

"Ah shut up!" Taurus yelled with clear embarrassment. He turned towards the door and left before they could see his red face.

"Grrrreat, Taurus is angry... now who's going to make us dinner?" Aquarius said with an irritated sigh.

"Cancer could!" The green eyed boy suggested.

"No way, Gemini! I'm not making you dinner after that little prank you pulled on me."

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