Pool Party

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Libra woke up with a yawn, the sun shinning through her windows just bright enough and the birds outside singing just loud enough to stir her. She stretched her arms and let out another peaceful yawn. After giving her back a pleasuring crack, she slipped her covers to the side and stepped out of bed. Everything was so peaceful... so tranquil... nothing could ruin her morning...

Until of course...

She opened her door to find thick pink goo pouring down her head.


Libra's eyes shot open. There was goo all over her hair, sliding down her face and neck, her pyjamas, covering her eyes and in her mouth.

Gemini and Leo stood outside her bedroom, dying of laughter. Gemini clutched his stomach and Leo was slapping the floor.

Libra didn't know how to react.

"Wh... wh..." she breathed, trying to find her words.

Instantly Gemini and Leo straightened up, their eyes wide. Gemini quickly pointed at Leo.

Leo put his hands up defensively.
"Hey! It was your idea!"

"You contributed!" Gemini retorted.

"Yeah but who's the one who always pranks people, huh?" Leo argued back.

"Dude, it was your idea to prank Libra!"

Libra just glared between the two boys before stomping towards them and slapping them both on the cheek.

The boys instantly stopped bickering, grabbing their reddened cheeks in surprise.

"Good, now I have your attention. You're going to clean this mess up while I go have a shower and try to get this out of my hair," Libra instructed sternly, her hands on her hips. "Okay?"

"Sir yes ma'am!" The two saluted her in fear.

"Good," With that, Libra walked to her bathroom to have a shower and get the goo out of her hair.


It was now later in the day, close to noon. The zodiacs were gathered in the living room, lazing around.

"Ugh, I'm bored," Leo complained. He was currently laying upside down on the love seat, his hair almost touching the floor.

"It's sooooo hot," Cancer said, fanning herself.

"We should do something," Said Pisces, who was fitting quite comfortably in the house now.

Libra, who was sitting hunched over on the couch in boredom, suddenly shot up with an idea.

"We should have a pool party!" She announced.

"That's a great idea," Virgo was up too, smiling. "And it can be just for us. Alright we'll need different people on different duties."

"Ha, duty."

"Not the time Sagittarius," Virgo said.
"Okay, let's have a few of us on snacks, plates, cups and ice."

While Virgo wasn't the leader of the group, she did come up with a lot of activities and was always organizing the group.

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