Powers and Late Explanations

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"Ugh, I'm so sore," Libra muttered, rubbing her aching thighs.

"Still sore?" Sagittarius grabbed a couple books from her locker before slamming it shut. It was the next day and Libra was still paying for the extensive workout Mr Centauri had put them through during third period.

"Hey, I don't think I've had that much physical activity since, like, that time we played capture the flag."

Sagittarius giggled. Libra felt her phone beep in her pocket, and pulled it out to see who texted her. "I'm gonna head to the washroom. See yah in class," She waved before walking away.

Sagittarius headed down the hall to first period when she spotted Aries at his locker. Shrugging, she decided to head over and say hi.

"Hey loser," She laid back into the locker next to his. She normally wouldn't have acted this way – calling him names or teasing him – but suddenly bugging him had become a lot more fun.
"Planning on joining any sports?"

Aries shrugged, not looking at her but instead riffling through his cluttered locker. Sagittarius wasn't surprised to see he had already made a mess of his locker, and she'd even bet he had lost a text book and was currently scrambling to find it. "Yeah, probably basketball or volleyball ... maybe soccer."

"Ooh volleyball... I bet I could kick your butt," She smirked.

Aries looked at her and returned her mischievous smirk, grabbing his book and tossing it in his bag before slamming his locker closed.
"Pretty sure it's not co ed, Sag."

Sagittarius rolled her green eyes. "Don't call me that."

Aries snickered, zipping up his bag and swinging it over his shoulder.
"Sag. Sag. Sag. Sag."

Then the bell rang.

"First one to class gets bragging rights!" She challenged before running off.

"Hey, no fair!" Aries ran after her.


Scorpio sat down at his desk next to Capricorn who was slumped over his phone.

"Another day in prison," He grumbled as he leaned his head on his hand.

"Hey it's not that bad," Capricorn said. "Maybe something exciting will happen."

"Yeah," But Scorpio wasn't convinced. "I just miss the summer."

"Might as well make the most of it," Capricorn looked around and saw that there was barely anyone in class yet. This gave him an idea. "Why don't we pull a prank?"

Scorpio studied him for a second, raising an eye brow. "I don't take you for a prankster."

He shrugged. "I'm not. But I guess I miss summer too."

Scorpio smirked. "Well alright."

The two got out of their seats and found some string on the teacher's desk. This gave them an idea. They taped the string to either side of the doorway so it would trip anyone who walked in. Then they sat back down, waiting for their prey.

That's when Aries and Sagittarius arrived. They both barrelled into the classroom but got caught on the string and toppled over each other. Scorpio and Capricorn couldn't help but  laugh and high fived.

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