Beach Day

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Aquarius got up with a yawn and headed into her bathroom for a shower. She quickly got ready and dried off her wavy hair. Once she was dressed, wearing jean shorts, a black Heathers the Musical t-shirt and white converse, she headed out of her room. Even though it was eight o'clock, no one seemed to be awake yet. It seemed like it was going to be a really hot and sunny day. This gave her an idea. She walked down the hall to Aries'
room - hoping he'd be awake - and lightly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked on the other side of the door.

"It's Aquarius."

"Come in."

Aquarius opened the door to see Aries dressed and awake, sitting at his desk on his laptop.

"Whatcha looking at?" She asked, leaning on his desk to look at the computer screen.

"Oh nothing really, just reading an email from the Celestial King and when he plans to meet with all of us."

Aquarius looked at him curiously. "He's going to meet with us? So he's going to tell us why we're here and everything?"


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Look, I just got the message, okay? Now what do you need?"

"That's unlike him, usually he just shows up. Anyway, I was thinking we could all go to the beach today."

Aries thought for a moment, then nodded. "Sounds fun. Sure."

"Awesome, thanks," Aquarius said with a smile.
"So when is the Celestial King coming anyway?"

The Celestial King, or rather King Cepheus, is the ruler of the celestial world, and is in charge of all decisions made regarding the celestial spirits. He was the one that decided that all of the zodiac signs were to live in a house together and eventually all go to school together when the summer ended. He was very mysterious and his visits were very infrequent and always without warning

"Sometime this week, didn't specify.
You know how he is."

Aquarius nodded and headed out of Aries' room. She went downstairs to have breakfast when she noticed Cancer and Taurus - still asleep in the arm chair - with their faces covered in sharpie. She couldn't help but giggle to herself.

"You like?"

Aquarius turned to meet Gemini, a small smile curving up her lips.
"You did this?"

"Yep. Pretty great, huh?"

"Well... it's missing something," Aquarius snatched the sharpie from Gemini and crouched down in front of the pair. Carefully, she drew a goatee to go with Taurus' moustache as well as a unibrow.


"Wow Aqua, you're brilliant," Gemini laughed as he admired her artistic work. Aquarius was grinning, and Gemini couldn't help but grin himself.

"Morning," Virgo greeted, interrupting the two only for a second as she walked past them and into the kitchen to start on breakfast.



Soon everyone else was downstairs and ready for breakfast. And that meant Taurus and Cancer woke up and discovered Gemini's handiwork on their faces.

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