Game Night

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Most of the zodiacs were in the living room hanging out. They had nothing to do and just laid around doing nothing. After sitting around through twenty minutes of boredom, Capricorn and Sagittarius came into the living room.

"I have an idea! Who's up for a game of watch dogs?" Capricorn asked the group.

"Heck yeah!"

Everyone was excited to play. Night time games were always a favourite at the mansion. Watch dogs was one of the group's favourite games and a few of them were raining champions.

"Wait, I've never heard of watch dogs before. How do you play?" Pisces asked.

"We turn off all the lights in the house and play in the dark. Someone's gonna hide an object and everyone has to look around and find it in the dark. But if you get caught by the watch dog, you're out and have to wait in the jail until the game's over. The jail will be your room. If you find the object before the watch dog catches you, you win the game," Capricorn explained.
"And the object you have to look for will be... the TV remote, since we actually can't find it."

"Oh and remember! You're only out if the watch dog shines their light on you and says your name. If they don't say your name, you're still in." Sagittarius added.

"Who wants to be watch dog?"

"I will!" Leo volunteered, snatching one of the flash lights from Capricorn.

"And since there's a lot of us I'll be another watch dog," Cap said.

"Alright, all of the lights are off except for here. And remember, upstairs is off limits!" Virgo said as she came back into the room after turning off all of the lights in the house.

Everyone nodded. Capricorn switched off the living room light, leaving them in total darkness.

"Three... two... one!"

Everyone took off in different directions, running through the dark house.


Pisces stumbled through the house, trying to find her way around the best she could considering she didn't know the house all that well yet. She found herself in what she believed to be a storage closet.

"Okay... if I were a TV remote where would I hide?" She whispered to herself.

"Try the shelves."

Pisces almost screamed until she felt a hand clasp over her mouth.

"Do you want to get us caught?" The person whispered viscously at her.

The person removed their hand from her mouth. It took Pisces a moment to collect herself. She was almost shaking she was so scared.

"S-S-Scorpio.. is that you?" She managed out through her chattering teeth.

"Tch, yes it's me." Was his reply.

Pisces calmed down, her breath coming back to her.
"S-so is the remote in here?"

"No, I checked the shelves and the cupboards and it's not in here."

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