Movie Night

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The zodiac signs were all sitting in the living room after having supper. Well almost all of the zodiacs. Capricorn was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes. Aries made him clean up dinner by himself because of the prank he pulled earlier that day on Aries and Sagittarius during their pool party. Virgo decided she would help him because she felt bad that he had to clean up by himself.

"Y'know doing dishes isn't really that bad. It's quite therapeutic actually," Capricorn said as he scrubbed away at a plate.

"Wow Cap, I think you're the only one who agrees with me on that one," Virgo giggled, towelling off a plate and putting it away.

"Is that why you always volunteer to do dishes?"

"Well yeah and..."

Capricorn chuckled. "And because you hate it when the others don't rinse the dishes or when they put something away in the wrong spot."

Virgo looked away in embarrassment.
"Okay so maybe I'm a little particular-"

"Particular? Virgo, you're high maintenance."

"Am not!" Virgo argued, hitting Capricorn playfully with the dish towel.

"Oh but you are! But it's a good thing."

Virgo looked at him skeptically. "How is being high maintenance a good thing?"

"Well it keeps the house clean for one thing."

Virgo just rolled her eyes

"And it keeps everyone clean and organized," Capricorn continued, returning to the dishes.
"Without you keeping everything in order we'd all fall out of place. Everyone and everything would be a mess."

Virgo blushed a little, "Well I guess when you put it that way, being high maintenance isn't so bad."


Virgo grabbed another wet plate, towelling it off, "And everyone else in this house has a specific job too. We all keep each other together. Without one of us we'd all be lost."

Capricorn looked over at her.

Virgo continued, "Gemini, for example, keeps everyone in a good mood. Aries is bossy because he just wants to keep everyone in line. Cancer is so emotional because she has the biggest heart of the group..."

Capricorn chuckled lightly at her.

"Oh shut up!" Virgo blushed and once again hit him with the dish towel.
"I'm just trying to make a point here."

Capricorn playfully splashed her with the dish water, soaking her gray shirt. Virgo threw her arms up defensively, her eyes widening.

Virgo got him back by splashing dish water at him, getting his blue shirt wet as well. Virgo couldn't help but smile at her work of revenge.

Capricorn shook his head with a smile, grabbing some foamy bubbles from the sink and smearing them on her head.

"Okay there!" Virgo grabbed the dish soap and squirted it on Capricorn's hair.

Virgo laughed at his reaction, but was interrupted with a mouthful of water when Capricorn sprayed her with the sink hose.

Meanwhile Libra and Cancer stood by, just watching the two in amusement.

Libra giggled, "Aw, you love birds are too cute!"

Virgo and Capricorn stopped what they were doing and looked at the doorway in embarrassment, seeing Libra and Cancer giggling at them. Libra held up her phone and snapped a picture of the two, covered in soap and bubbles, standing very close to each other.

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