Carnival (FL pt. 3)

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The zodiacs were sitting in the beach house living room when Virgo scurried in. She stood in front of them, hands behind her back and a smile plastered on her face.

"Virgo, what's behind your back?" Aries asked curiously.

Virgo pulled her hands out from behind her, holding a white pamphlet.
"We're going to a carnival!" She beamed.

"A carnival? What kind of carnival?" Gemini turned in his seat in interest.

"I saw this pamphlet at the Disney World gift shop the other day. There's this huge carnival taking place down by the beach not far from here! Apparently it's an annual thing and they always have this huge Ferris wheel that lights up and over looks the water. They have tons cool rides and games. There's also lots and lots of food stands!"

"Rides!" Leo cooed.

"Games!" Sagittarius squealed.

"Food!" Taurus' mouth was practically watering.

"Sounds like fun!" Pisces exclaimed.

Aries nodded. "Alright, it's decided, we're going. What time does it open?"


"Then we only have a couple hours to get ready!" Libra said frantically.

"Relax, Libs," Aquarius said. "You don't need to go full on glam or anythin–"

"YES. I. DO."

Aquarius let out an uncomfortable laugh and shifted away from the blonde.

"If anyone wants to start getting ready that's fine, just make sure you're in the car by 6:30," Virgo instructed.

"Yay!" Pisces squealed and grabbed Cancer's arm.
"Come on Cancie, let's go swim until it's time to go!"

"Who else is in?" Cancer asked.

"Me!" Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Aries said, racing away to get changed.

"Yo, dude, let's go make faces at old people!" Leo said to Gemini.

"Uh, no thanks, got stuff to do," Then Gemini was gone.

"Hm, that was weird."


Gemini sighed as he laid back on his bed, glancing absentmindedly at his phone every minute or so. When it lit up, he couldn't help but smile at the name displayed on the screen. Aquarius.

Aquarius: Gem, guess what

Gemini: lol what?

Aquarius: Libra's making me do her hair for the carnival

Gemini: Well that's Libra for you

He threw his phone back down on the bed beside him and stared up at the ceiling. Was it bad that he was totally in love with his best friend? Probably. While he used to flirt with the other girls for fun, Aquarius was always the one he really wanted. Starting out as friends and then best friends and then noticing how cute her smile was and then boom, liking her. But the chances of things working out and her actually feeling the same way seemed slim to him.

Who wouldn't be totally in love with her? She was super smart and clever, always having an opinion on everything and always challenging him. He could listen to her talk for hours without a break. She was funny and goofy, and he loved the way she smiled at her own jokes. She was awkward and weird and he absolutely loved it! Plus she was as gorgeous as could be with her wavy blue hair and ocean eyes.

Gemini sometimes wondered why Aquarius was even his friend to begin with. He knew he had to tell her how he felt sooner or later. Despite acting like a huge flirt, he actually had no idea how he would ever be able to tell her how he felt.

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