Christmas Break

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A/N: I know Christmas was a long time ago but I still wanted to make a holiday chapter :)
Also expect a lot more updates

It was Friday and the zodiacs were sitting in their last class. The teacher was drowning on and on about space and what not but no one was paying attention.

Gemini was getting pretty antsy, running his hands through his hair anxiously. Aries kept stealing glances at the ticking clock. Virgo was tapping her pencil. Taurus kept cracking his knuckles. Leo was chewing the end of his pen. Libra kept looking at her phone. Cancer was kicking the desk chair. Sagittarius was tapping her nails on the desk. Capricorn kept checking his watch. Pisces was chewing her hair and Aquarius was smacking her gum. Scorpio was counting down the minutes in his head.

"And Hallie's comet will circle the su-"

The teacher was interrupted by the loud rings of the school bell, signalling the end of school.

"WHOO! CHRISTMAS VACATION!" Leo jumped out of his seat.

The zodiacs cheered and raced out of class.

"Hey wait, don't forget you have homework!" The teacher yelled after them. After a moment he sighed.
"Eh, what's the point? They never listen."


Later that evening, the zodiacs scrambled around, preparing the house for a Christmas party they invited their school to.

"There's not enough cookies for everyone!" Cancer worried.

"Cancer, chill. I'm making more," Taurus assured.

Capricorn shook his head, turning away from their Christmas tree they set up in the living room. "Who cares about the damn cookies? There aren't any decorations. We need to go out and buy some."

"I'll go with you!" Aries volunteered.

"Me too!" Sagittarius added.

"Let's go to target!" Leo said.

"I never said I was going, but you three can."

"Is sending all three fire signs to target really a good idea?" Virgo asked.

"Everyone, wait," Pisces said as she carried in a box, placing it down in front of the tree. "There's a box of Christmas tree ornaments you can set up first."

"Yeah about that," Aquarius started sheepishly. "I might have broken a few."

Pisces opened the box. "A few? you mean the entire box."

"No, no, I swear this time it was only three. I threw them out."

Gemini checked inside the box. "Um, Aqua, no you didn't."

"Hmm, I was pretty sure I did."

"Guys, it doesn't matter. There's still enough left. We need to hurry. We have an hour before people start arriving," Virgo said.

"An hour still left?" Libra whined. "I wanna see all the hot people."

"Same as fuck," Scorpio said.

"What about me?!" Leo cried to Libra.

"Shut up and help out," Virgo interrupted, shoving some tinsel in Leo's hands.

"Please just everyone shut up in general," Capricorn complained.

"There's still not enough cookies!" Cancer said.

"I'll make another batch. Sagittarius, can you put them in the oven? I need to clean up."
Sagittarius nodded and ran into the kitchen while Taurus went to wash his hands.

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