The Girl Full of Secrets

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"Zodiac, meet Carina. She'll be staying with you."


Cepheus cringed. He had summoned the zodiac to his office. Everyone expected to hear some kind of exciting news, possibly about Ophiuchus, but instead they walked in and saw a short girl standing next to his desk. She had short, dark hair and hazel eyes.

"Now, now. She will only be staying with you for a little while so don't fret."

"Not to be rude, but why?" Aries asked. "Only us zodiac are allowed to live in the mansion."

"I'm aware, however, just recently her home was destroyed, and we assume the culprit was Ophiuchus and whoever else is working with him. She needs some place to stay in case he is targeting her, and the safest option would be with you."

They sat there staring in silence before Libra finally spoke up.
"Well it's nice to meet you Carina! I'm Libra!" She reached her hand out to her, and the girl took it shyly, not saying a word.

Then Ms Gallo led the girl out of the room to her class.

"Alright then," Cepheus continued. "Carina will be dropped off at the Mansion after school. You can all return to class now, except for Gemini."

Gemini stopped at this, turning back to look at the man with a look of question. Everyone else shrugged and left. Gemini started to feel nervous, nervous because Cepheus had never asked to talk to him and just him. The only time he was called to the office was when he was in trouble, which to be fair, was pretty often. However this time, he couldn't think of anything he may have pulled in the last couple of days.

"You can relax, Gemini, you aren't in trouble."

His shoulders loosened at this, feeling a little more at ease.
"What is it sir?"

"There's something I'd like you to do. I originally planned to have Libra do this but she's at practice after school, leaving this job to you. I'd like you to welcome Carina to the mansion."

"Oh, well, uh, sure I guess."

"I want you to give her a tour, make sure she feels welcome and do try and keep the pranks to a minimum."

"Of course, will do... so absolutely no sweet pranks?"

"No pranks. Be on your best behaviour. And thanks."

"No problemo, Ceph," Gemini snapped his finger before heading out back to class.



"Hey, I'm Gemini. Um, come in," He said as Carina pushed her way into the house, closing the front door behind her. She scanned around before her eyes landed back on Gemini. He cracked a smile.
"Welcome to the mansion."

Carina felt her cheeks heat up instantly. Gemini. This was the Gemini? The one she was told so much about? Damn, he's even cuter in person! And that smile... I know it would go against her plans but I just have to make him mine! Carina pushed that thought aside. Wait, no. The plan comes first. Though, having a little fun while I'm here wouldn't hurt...

"Hello? Earth to Carina!" Carina snapped out of her thoughts to see Gemini waving a hand in her face. Had she zoned out again?

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