Cabin Fever

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Pisces woke up blissfully, pushing her covers to the side and hopping off her bed. She slipped on her outfit for the day, running a hairbrush through her hair before walking downstairs.

Heading for the kitchen, she passed through the dinning room and noticed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes sitting in her spot. Curiously, she looked closer and noticed a small note on the table next to it.

For Pisces... If anyone else touches these you'll be sorry! -Scorpio

She couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture, taking a seat and quickly digging in.


Pisces looked up to see Scorpio placing a mug of hot chocolate in front of her. She swallowed her mouth full, smiling happily. "Morning! You seriously made all this for me?"

"Yep." He answered simply as he sat down in the seat across from her.

Pisces smiled again. He's so sweet. Even when he tries to be discrete about it. She picked up a forkful of pancake and held it out for him. "Here."

Scorpio quickly shook his head. "I'm good. It's yours, you should enjoy it."

"But I wanna share it with you," Pisces pushed it against his mouth. "Just eat the pancake, Scorpy."

Scorpio was almost surprised by the sternness in her voice, and quickly obeyed. Pisces seemed happy with this, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

When they were done eating, Pisces brought the dishes into the kitchen and raced back into the dining room, grabbing Scorpio's arm and dragging him to his feet.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Put your jacket on."


Outside, large snowflakes came spiralling down from the sky, flying around as if it was one gigantic snow globe. The sight made Pisces happy; lately the snow had begun to melt, the weather becoming warmer.

Hand in hand, the two raced outside into the front yard, grabbing handfuls of snow and tossing them at each other. Pisces laughed, spinning around and looking up at sky. The sight made Scorpio's heart skip a beat.

"Isn't this amazing?" She beamed. "And to think in only a couple days it'll be spring break."

"Yep, amazing."

Pisces noticed the way he was staring and skipped over to him. Scorpio drew her close, wrapping his arm around her petite frame. Pisces pressed her face against his warm chest.


"You're mine, right?"

Pisces looked up at him, a small blush forming on her cheeks, her blue eyes wide, snowflakes decorating her hair. It made Scorpio smile.

Pisces on the other hand was screaming inside, jumping up and down and singing with joy.

"Am I dreaming?" She finally asked.

Scorpio chuckled. "Nope."

Pisces grinned, throwing her arms around him and pressing her lips against his. Surprised, Scorpio cupped her face, closing his eyes and deepening the kiss.

Slowly he pulled away. "I'll take that as a yes."

Pisces smiled, wrapping her arms around his torso, pressing her face against his chest and closing her eyes. "Yes."


"I feel like we were supposed to take that last turn." Sagittarius said, studying the map she had on her phone.

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