House Shenanigans (FL pt. 4)

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"Who knew swimming with dolphins could be so dangerous," Cancer said as she rubbed a towel through her wet hair.

"Or funny," Aquarius added.

Gemini grinned. "I thought it was pretty hilarious when that one dolphin head butted Taurus."

Taurus rolled his eyes as the others laughed. "Only cause Leo kept provoking it."

"But instead it head butted you. Heh heh heh heh heh heh!" Leo teased because for some reason he still hadn't learned his lesson not to provoke the bull.

Instead of punching him and causing a mess like the last time, Taurus just crossed his arms and fumed silently.

The six others returned from putting their scuba gear away and joined them by the two rental cars.

"I don't wanna leave! Those dolphins were so cute!" Pisces was literally being dragged to the car by Libra and Virgo, digging her heels into the ground.
Finally when they got to the car they let Pisces go but instead of getting in, Pisces ran back over to the building.
"Ha ha! I'm coming my baby fishies!"

Virgo sighed, "Someone please go get her."

Without a word, Scorpio walked over and picked Pisces up by the waist. She squealed in protest but he only ignored this and lifted her onto his shoulder, carrying her back over to the car fireman style.

"NOOO! You can't take me alive!"

"Who's been giving Pisces coffee again?" Aries demanded.

"Blame that on Leo," Capricorn said as he climbed into the driver's seat.

Leo held his hands up. "Hey, she asked for it! Besides, she put so much milk and sugar in it I thought it wouldn't affect her."

"I think the sugar only made it worse," Taurus said, ducking one of Pisces' flying limbs as she writhed in Scorpio's arms.

"There was a coffee machine in there?" Cancer asked.

"Yep, but let's try and never say the word 'coffee' around Pisces ever again, okay?" Aries said.

Scorpio put Pisces down and she finally relaxed, getting into one of the cars. Everyone silently thanked the heavens for this and got into the cars, heading back to the house.


It was now the evening and the zodiacs were just sitting around the house doing whatever. Some were in the living room watching TV and some were just sitting around the kitchen when suddenly the lights went out and the TV went black.

"Nooo!" Leo screeched, rushing and sliding on his knees in front of the TV, pushing button after to button to make it turn back on.

"Shit, the power just went out," Aries said.

Sagittarius turned away from the window, her face concerned.
"It's raining really hard out there."

"Guess the storm took down a power line or something," Virgo said.

"Now how are we supposed to know who Jeniffer ends up with?!" Leo whined, throwing his hands up.

"Relax, Leo, we can find something else to do," Capricorn said.

"Like what?" Pisces asked.

"Wait, wait," Leo was up in flash. He rushed to his room and dug through his suitcase until he found what he was looking for. He rushed back into the living room and held the item up with a smirk.
"Strip poker time!"

"Oh no, he actually has cards this time," Virgo rubbed her temple.

"Make a circle!" Leo demanded.

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