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"Okay, tell me again, but slower this time," Centauri instructed.

Cancer took a deep breath before continuing. "Okay, I was using the washroom before coming to class. As I was washing my hands, I sneeze,  and the next thing I know, I'm on the floor, and everything else is ginormous!"

Centauri raised his eyebrow, leaning back on his desk. "And what does this have to do with Scorpio and Capricorn?"

"We're getting to that," Capricorn replied.

Cancer continued. "And so I look down at myself, and I have claws! And not only that, I'm a crab!"

Now Centauri was interested.

"And then before I know it, I'm back to normal, a regular girl again."


"I was so astounded, I ran out of the washroom to this very classroom to tell you, but..."

Scorpio spoke up, "And that's where I come in. I was on my way to class when the same thing happened; I had suddenly shrunk down into a scorpion. Thankfully there was no one around to notice. And just as fast as it happened, it was over, and I turned back to normal. I ran to tell you, but suddenly I ran into something, like this invisible wall, and landed on the floor."

Centauri lifted his brow again.

"That was from me," Cancer explained. "As I ran to tell you, I started to feel dizzy and so I stopped in the hall, reaching my hand out to steady myself but instead this bubble like thing kind of shot out, and here comes Scorpio, barrelling down the hallway, running
right into it."

Centauri chuckled, scratching his head. "Well it seems you've found your powers, Cancer. You're able to generate force fields, and as an animal zodiac, you are able to turn into a crab at will."

Cancer grinned, squealing. "So that's what the bubble thing was. That's so cool!"

"Okay, but lemme finish!" Scorpio said impatiently. "I get up from the floor, and in my palm, there's this black stuff floating around, and I can control it."

"Poison," He said.


"Yes, poison. You're the scorpion zodiac, Scorpio. And so turning into a scorpion and controlling poison is part of your abilities. Like Aquarius' ability to control water, you can manipulate poison, allowing it to flow from your finger tips and shoot at enemies."

Scorpio seemed to like the sound of that.

"So, what about you?" He turned to Capricorn who had been silent the whole time.

"I saw the whole ordeal and went to see if Scorpio was okay and ask what the hell they just did when the floor started to open up in front of me. And so, we all headed here for answers."

Centauri rubbed his chin. Floor opening up? Well that was new. Wait, the floor... the floor was made from stone..
"Ah, of course!" He exclaimed as if it were obvious.


Centauri explained, "As an earth sign, you are able to control anything earth, stone or metal related. That means the stone floor too."

Capricorn blinked. Earth manipulation? "How does it work?"

"Just like you said. I imagine you can open up the earth or raise rock out of the ground. Is that all that happened?"

"Well, no..." Capricorn was hesitant for a second. "I turned into a goat this morning."

Cancer and Scorpio snorted. "Wait, a goat? Why didn't you say anything?"

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