Valentine's Spent in Detention

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Shit, I can't be late! Not again! Scorpio thought as he raced down the long school hallway to his last class of the day. Why did he have to fall asleep in class again? Well it didn't matter now that he was late.


Scorpio stopped in his tracks, turning around on his heel to see an older woman fixing her hair which Scorpio assumed he had rustled up when he breezed passed her.

"You nearly ran into me," She grumbled. Scorpio only shrugged.

Well, shit


Scorpio sighed. Detention. Really? And on Valentine's day of all days. Instead of going home and figuring out a way to sneak a gift into Pisces' room, he'd be sitting in an empty classroom, bored out of his mind. Plus, all of his friends would be at home. It wasn't fair.

"Aye, Scorpio!" He heard someone call.

Scorpio almost took a double take as he walked into the detention classroom to see the rest of the zodiac sitting there. Well, seeing the fire signs and Gemini there wasn't much of a surprise, but seeing Virgo and Pisces there of all people, well that was a surprise.

"I can't believe I'm here." Virgo muttered with annoyance.

"To be honest, I'm not surprised I'm here." Aries said as Scorpio took a seat next to him.

"Guuyys, it's Valentine's day and we're stuck in this prison!" Leo stated.

Soon Centauri walked in, and when he saw the twelve turn around his faced instantly melted. "Oh no..." He walked over to the desk at the front of the room, setting down his things and plopping down in the desk chair. "Of course the one day I have to run detention you twelve all get detention. Just great."

"It's nice to see you too." Capricorn said sarcasticly.

"Okay but am I the only one wondering how the good kids got stuck in here?" Scorpio finally said.

"Yeah, Virgo, how did you manage to land detention?" Gemini asked with a smirk.

Virgo glared at him, mumbling under her breath.

"Hmm, what was that?"

"I said I corrected the teacher."

"More like fought the teacher." Gemini teased.

"You fought the teacher?" Capricorn repeated with a look of surprise.

Virgo smacked her hand on the desk in frustration. "It wasn't my fault! He said my answer was wrong but I knew I was right and his answer was wrong and then he was all like 'well if you're so smart why don't you teach the class' and so I did and did a damn better job teaching than him and then he got all mad and well... well, now I'm here!" She threw her hands up before slumping back over the desk.

Centauri sighed, eyeing the others impatiently. "I'm guessing the rest of you are going to share how you got here."

"I ran in the hall." Scorpio stated.

"That's it?" Taurus asked in surprise.

"Apparently not," Centauri continued, taking out a slip of paper. "According to Ms Vega, after she gave you detention you told her to go back to her house on 'whore Island'."

"Oh yeah..."

Centauri sighed impatiently. "Anyone else want to share? Pisces, how about you."

"I was in art class and I kinda spilt paint all over my art teacher."

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