New Years

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"Sit down, we need to talk." Capricorn instructed.

Gemini took a seat at the table hesitantly. "Shit. Is this about how I hacked into your Google Drive and changed the author to 'Deez Nuts'?"

"No... But we'll come back to that."

Gemini looked almost surprised, releived even, but quickly changed the topic before the goat questioned him further. "So what's up then?"

Capricorn suddenly looked away, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head. "I need advice... on Virgo..."

The blond boy studied him for a second. Capricorn looked almost nervous, blushing lightly. Gemini had never seen Capricorn get like that before. He almost wanted to laugh.

"You see, I'm crazy about her, but I have no idea how to tell her."

His eyes widened. "Wait, you need help with your feelings?

"Have you met me? Hi, I'm Capricorn. I don't do feelings, care for a dry comment?

"Fair enough. Well, what is it you like about Virgo? I mean we are talking about Miss Nagsworth here."

"Hey, don't call her that!" He sounded almost offended. "She's the one who keeps everyone in line after all. She's super smart. And gorgeous... and she's just so perfect. And gorgeous. And calm. But she can be feisty and rambunctious too. And gorgeous... And she knows me pretty well.. and she's so gorgeous..."

"Dude, if you're going to drool and shit let me at least grab my phone so I can record this."

Capricorn blinked. "Right, uh, sorry... wait no I'm not." Then he shot him a glare just as Leo and Scorpio walked into the room.

"What's up?"

"Private conversation." He answered.

"Oh, about Virgo?" Leo mused.

Capricorn looked at him. Leo glanced at Scorpio and they both shrugged. "What? It's pretty obvious."

Capricorn only continued to gape at the lion. Scorpio noticed this and sighed. "Have you thought about just being straight up and telling her how you feel?"

"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?" Leo added.

"That she could hear me..?"

Gemini chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I'd say just go for it."

Capricorn's expression softened, considering the thought. Capricorn was never the best when it came to his feelings, never the less expressing them to another person. But then he considered; they had fought Ophiuchus in the fall. That was probably the hardest thing anyone of them had ever done. And they had made it out alive. If he could survive a fight with Ophiuchus, then maybe telling Virgo how he felt wouldn't be so hard.


The next day, it was New Year's Eve. In a couple of hours the zodiacs would have the house decorated and would be counting down the seconds for the new year. For now, everyone was just lazing around.

"Whatcha doing?" Virgo asked Taurus who was sitting on the living room floor with Aquarius, peaking over his shoulder.

Taurus scooted over a little, leaning toward her and quietly saying, "We're playing Scrabble. It's a nightmare."

"Scrabble? Scrabble's great."

"Not when you're playing with Aquarius, it's not. She used words like 'iridium' and I put 'pig.'"

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