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It has been a couple of days since the zodiacs returned from their trip to Florida. Everyone was sad to leave but were also just happy to be back home, especially Virgo now that her hair was back to normal. The zodiacs had spent their time unpacking, relaxing and doing whatever. Libra, Capricorn and Virgo were chilling in the living room when they heard a scream. They all looked up and Cancer came running into the living room.

"Guys, you need to see this."

Cancer ignored their questions and led them into the pool room where Scorpio was standing by the pool while Pisces swam around. Only instead of legs, Pisces had a metallic blue fish tail.

"Hey guys!" Pisces smiled as if everything was normal, splashing the blue tail around in the water. "I'm a mermaid!"

"Oh my god, P-Pisces, you have a tail!" Virgo stated, eyes wide.

"Yep! Isn't it great?"

Pisces continued to splash around in the water while everyone stared at her incredulously. Looking for an actual answer, Virgo turned to Scorpio.

"She jumped in the pool and when she came up there it was," He explained.

"And watch," Pisces went under the water and then popped up again.
"I can breath under water!"

Libra smiled, "That's great Pisces! You got your powers."

"So is that tail like permanent or something?" Capricorn asked.

"I don't think so... at least I hope not," Pisces said.

"Hey wait, Pisces remember when we were at the beach and those fish were swimming around you and weren't afraid of you?" Cancer asked.


"Well maybe that's part of your powers. Maybe you can communicate with aquatic life or something."

"That'd make a lot of sense actually, since she is the fish zodiac," Virgo said.

"Then I need to try it out! I've been wanting a pet fish. Or maybe two or three... maybe six," Pisces was busy day dreaming now as she floated gently on her back.

"We could go buy some," Scorpio suggested.

Pisces' eyes lit up. "Yes please!"

She paddled out of the pool and as her tail left the water it shimmered and became peach, splitting in half and turning back into a pair of legs.


"So it's like jumping into the water triggered your powers," Cap said.

"Can you control when your legs turn into a mermaid tail?" Virgo asked.

Scorpio handed her a towel and she dried herself off.
"I'm not really sure. Maybe I'll try it out."

Then Sagittarius raced into the room. "Guys! Living room! Now! We're going camping!"
Then she was gone.

"Or maybe I'll try it out later."


And so they were. Aries and Sagittarius decided it would be fun for everyone to go camping for two days and try to get the last out of their summer. Pisces shared the fact that she discovered her powers with the rest of the group and even though she was happy to go camping, all she wanted to do was jump back in the pool and swim with her tail again. Then everyone left for their rooms to pack.

"Sleeping bags?"




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