chapter 2

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(Yuuto's point of view)

Yuuto was having drinks with his friends .he was drinking .he thought of drinking as they walked .Yuuto drank .he felt something wet drip on him so his gaze went up .he saw up and his eyes widened as he saw a really beautiful figure crying. He looked up and frowned .he then smiled to himself "well lookie here ,I found a lil kitty~" he smirks and made his way upstairs . He wanted to make sure he had a nice impression on him .he then poked him and as the little male turned to him .he wipes his tears off . After saying some gentle words to him and giving him a drink .Yuuto made his way out with a smirk on his face "well ,well ~" .he than went for his shoot .he was a top  model around the area.

Yuuto went and sat in the car his expensive car .he then started the engine and made his way to the job .after he arrived at his studio .a man looked at Yuuto and smiles "yuuto~ finally you are here God I was waiting long !" .He puts an arm around his neck and takes him inside . "Well your shoot is gonna be soon better get ready~" yuuto raised his eyebrows "yeah yeah Sora I get it !? Don't get on my nerves !" Sora frowns "meanie ~" Sora then looks at you "what's wrong you look like you are gonna Murder someone dude" he said laughing a little as yuuto smirks "well~I will show you soon I found a pet for myself ~"

Sora let's of an annoyed breathe "just dont get in trouble ! Got that  !" Yuuto smiles "do I look like a person who will ?".

Yuuto then sat in the dressing room . He then wore his clothes and did some hairstyles after that his shoot was on and he went after posing some pose his job was done for the night and he drove towards his apartment.

He then unlocked the door to his apartment  .it wasn't anything that big .it was just  an apartment but a nice one .it had 3 rooms with attached washrooms ,a laundry service area,a big living room ,a big balcony, a big kitchen and a big room for his clothes and accessories.

He walked in the apartment and made his way to his room which was big and well decorated. He threw his clothes on the floor and made his way to the wash room.

He then turned on the shower and let the water touch his skin .he then had a shower and came out after washing up. he had a towel wrapped around his waist .he came out and took out a short and wore .he didn't bother to wear a shirt cause he was gonna sleep anyways .he took out his phone and opened his camera roll .he clicked on the picture of a man "aww he looks amazing soon he will be mine ~ I am so happy" he smiled a sneaky smile .

He then turned off his phone and called it a night .he slept in his comfy bed .

(Haru's point of veiw)

Haru woke up in the morning and yawns "oh boi my eyes hurt I am soo tired well I am hungry too soo...." he got up and walked to the kitchen .he took out some bacon 2 eggs and a toast .he looked at his fridge and held his head

"god dammit seriously!? I have nothing left for lunch !? Fuck !" He was beyond pissed and slams the door closed .he then took out a pan and started cooking  his bacon and eggs.he placed them on a plate and ate it .after eating he washed the dishes and went in the washroom .

He took a shower and came out he wore a red t-shirt and a white skinny .he then  took his phone and went outside of his tiny one bedroom apartment.

"Let's see here I have couple of dollars I spent most of the money yesterday but if I work in today I can get a couple more and then I can go to the bar again" as he was thinking about the bar .the image of the man flashed through his mind and he blinks his eyes "I hope that guy isn't there.... I seriously hate people.....who are rich and cocky".

He giggles up a little "though I got a free drink now where was I? Oh yeah ! So I can make it today too if i-" he received a call .he picked it up "Hello boss?" He said in his slow and soft voice

"Well hello Haru I am really sorry but is it okay if you can make it today too ? There is a guest requesting you and he is paying really high and I know you are short on money so I said yes to him so you may come in an hour" his boss said and Haru nods

"Yes alright I will be there in an hour" he said and ended the call as he walks around in the neighbour.

Author here ^^ next chapter will include sex I seriously don't know I own to take this story but let's hope it comes out as a good one ;-; thank you ! See you in the next chapter.😅

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