chapter 13

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Haru was shocked "you are a model !?!?". Yuuto chuckles and smiles at him . "Yes I am my stage name is yuu lol you didn't know?" Haru asked and Haru nodded immediately  .

"Well if you don't believe me here you go" yuuto showed him his page and haru's was left with wide eyes. "I still don't believe it..." Haru said blushing and yuuto smiles .

"Well let's go inside now love'' Yuuto said and kisses haru. Haru smiles and kisses back.  He then got out of the car as well as Haru did .

After going inside Yuuto's friend Sora meets them ."Yuuto! Hai ! How are you" Sora says and yuuto smiles shaking his hand .

"I am good Sora and you ? '' Yuuto said smiling . Sora smiles back and replies back "I am good your shoot is going to be soon go ahead to your dressing room okay ? Oh....what is this little boy doing with you ?" He asked and looked at haru with a smirk.

Haru held Yuuto's hand toghtly looking down "I have seen this boy before...." Sora stated . Yuuto holds haru's hand and holds him close "he is my boyfriend" yuuto said and looks at haru with a smile. "Haven't we met before Haru....''Yuuto looked at Sora . "Really where" yuuto asks.

Haru looks down and holds yuuto tightly . " a prostitution club.....he is a really nice hoe .it makes you a regular there huh Haru-chan?".

Haru head was completely down . Sora holds his chin up looking haru's crying face  "why are you crying I just said something nice about you , infront of one of your boyfriends you should be happy".
Sora says with a smirk.

Haru said in a shaky voice "I only have yuu......" . Yuuto smacks Sora's
Hand and says with a growl "no one hurts him announce that or I will leave this place making you Bastard beg to live understand! Go at once ! Sora ! " Yuuto said and Sora stood straight "y-yuuto come on i was just....."

"I SAID NO ONE HURTS HARU HE IS MINE NOW . HE IS NOR WHAT HE WAS YOU GET WHAT I AM SAYING  YES ???" . Yuuto said with anger . He pulls Haru and goes to the dressing room slamming the door .

Haru was in tears and cried. Yuuto hugs him "I am sorry Haru now no one will say a word to you okay? " He says and Haru wraps his arms around yuuto . They hugged for a while and then yuuto had to get ready .

Yuuto got ready and Haru sat in the corner fascinated by Yuuto's charm. Yuuto then went to the stage and his photos were being taken .

As yuuto was busy . Haru was standing alone and soon Sora  joined him ." Hi....sorry about earlier.....I tend to say mean thing sometimes but I didn't mean it i am sorry...". Haru smiles and looked at him. "It's okay  I just got a bit tensed up i am sorry how I acted..... and I forgive me". Haru smiles and Sora as well .

"Are you sure?" Sora asked and Haru nods "yesh !" . Sora smiles "will you be my friend ?" Haru brightens up "YES I WILL!" Haru said loud but not that . So only sora can hear him .

Sora giggles "wanna have a drink with me?" . "Umm sure is it okay if I drink juice?" Haru asked and Sora nodded "let me guess you want Strawberry juice ?" .Haru was amazed how he knew he liked Strawberry. "Yes how did you know?" Haru asked and he smiles "friends know everything ! Silly !". He said and walked away.

Haru giggles "first friend huh I never had one....I feel like after yuuto came in my life everything is more....addictive...and happy now....he is my....good luck...i will never....leave him'' he said to himself as he looked at Yuuto from a far .

He smiled at Yuuto and soon got a smile back "yes I will never do that....this person give smell happiness....and I love every bit of the core....." he said and waved his hand making yuuto chuckle.

Author here thank you for your love people!!!!!! I love you guys we reached 229 views KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Guys please help me reach at least 500 views ??? Too much to ask  ? But I think you guys will do it   ! If you like this story tell your friends to check this book thank you soo much !!! Byeee!!! ❤❤😍😘😘 wait for the next chapter sex included !!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author here thank you for your love people!!!!!! I love you guys we reached 229 views KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Guys please help me reach at least 500 views ??? Too much to ask  ? But I think ...

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