chapter 17

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Yuuto was driving to his job . He then got to the place and walked in.
"SORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THIS !!!!" He screamed in happiness and showed him the engagement ring "me and Haru are engaged".

Yuuto said smile and blushing mess . He looked up at Sora and saw him smiling too . " you are marrying him yuuto do you really think you being a model and him being a.......will go together". The statement bodied Yuuto's anger and he walked past sora " well you were once a begger on street but look at you now you are my manager a person with lots of respect I don't see a reason why I can't give Haru the same thing Sora" he said and glanced at him.

Sora smiled "I see I guess that's a good enough reason for you to stay woth him" he said happy "well it would be really good if tomorrow you bring  him with you I want to give you guys a speacial gift will you accept it? Yuuto ?'' . Sora asked yuuto said felt pressure but shook it off and smiled back "totally dude".

(Sora's point of veiw)

"So now you should go to the dress up room and I will meet you in a second okay yuuto ?" Sora asked yuuto and yuuto smiled "Roger!" He then went to the room and Sora towards the exit . He called someone his voice turned a bit deeper and darker "hey.....I have work for you bring out the boys......" he said and he could hear the other male chuckle "alright.......sora" he said and hung the phone. "Time for some fun fellows~" .

(Yuuto's point of veiw)
He dressed up and was ready for the shooting for his new drama which was coming out. It was his first time to be in a drama . Excitement was eating him up. He looked at his script and was unsure.

If he was able to pull this off . He read the lines a few times and then he was ready to shoot the first scene . He was the heroines brother who finds out she has been dating a guy .

"MISAKI ! WHERE ARE YOU ! COME HERE RIGHT NOW" he said  demanding and angry .  The heroine came to him nervous "Y-yes brother ?"  She looked up at him.

Yuuto gulps and held her hand with a tight grip "are you going out with that jerk !" He asked pointing out the hero of the drama

"Cut !" The Director  stated and they ended the scene after more scenes . It was time to go home . Yuuto packed up and was ready to go home. 

He drive back and remembered Haru . He smiled to himself and bought some chocolate and some flowers . He then went home and saw Haru in the kitchen "baby  boy" yuuto called haru out with a smile.

"Yuu!" Haru shouted in excitement after seeing his fiance . He jumped in his arms and kissed him deeply "I got u something look" . Yuuto gave Haru the gifts he just bought.

Haru smiled and accepted them  "you got this for me ?" He asked. Yuuto nodded smiling "yep I did ! So you like it" . He asked and Haru nodded without any hesitation "I love you soo much thank you I lovw it !" .

Haru said and took the scent of the flowers in and blushed "What are you making sweetheart?" Yuuto asked Haru .

"I am making beef stew with rice" Haru said giggling . Yuuto kissed him again "smells delicious''.

"Does it?" Haru asked thinking making yuuto to smile. "Want any help ?" He asked Haru and he shook his head "nope and the bath is ready you should have a bath " he said and yuuto nodded going for a bath.

Haru made the food and set it on the table . He went to call yuuto who was gonna come out soon "baby the food is read-" as he was gonna say the full sentence yuuto kissed him.

"I am coming can you bring me a boxer only a boxer is fine" he asked Haru . Haru nodded and brought Yuuto's black boxer . He handed it to yuuto and yuuto wore it and came out they both sat close to each other and held hands .

They then started eating . Haru too a piece of beef and puts it in Yuuto's mouth . He happily chewed in it . After eating yuuto washed the dishes while Haru made the bed .

After yuuto came to the room . He sat on the bed "phew ! I am soo tired today was the longest day ever !" He stated and layed on haru's lap. Haru was already sitting on the bed .

"Should I massage Ur back ?" Haru asked and yuuto hesitated to say yes. "Hmmm?" Haru hummed . And yuuto nodded slightly making haru to chuckle at his embarrassment .

"Alright" Haru then started massaging his back after a 15 minute massage yuuto was fresh again and he kisses haru . "Thanks that's it seriously".

Hai author here hope u guys are enjoying the book it's gonna be over soon I hope u guys can advertise it? Well thank you ❤

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