chapter 9

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In the morning Haru texted yuuto . {Hey wanna meet up in the morning ? }. Yuuto texted back {I am sorry I have work full day today sorry ;-;}. Haru texted back {oh alright bye then work hard}.

After a while it was time for Haru to go to his job . A man booked him and as usual he was booked for sex . Haru did it with the man and got paid for it . Haru now was going out of the place and while he was going he saw a food stall . He thought of  buying some of the fried food on the stall as he saw his brother .

"Umm i would like a pack please" Haru said with a smile and looked up as his smile faded as he mumbles "Brother......." he said looked at him with wide eyes.

His brother was boiling with anger . He said in a rude voice ."WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU HOMO !". This send shivers  to haru and he said in his shivery voice "I am sorry . I-i was j-just trying to i didn't know it was you brother ".

After hearing the word brother made his brother more mad and he screams at haru "I am not a brother of a homo like you , you fucking slut" he said and threw many fried chicken popcorn on haru with the drippings,  it left burn marks and he was all covered in food.

Haru just tried to get up and as he was leaving he heard his brother's last words "GO DIE YOU FAGGOT ! MOM AND DAD WANT YOU TO DIE AS WELL ! YOU SLUT ! YOU HOMO .YOU DICK SUCKING HOMO".

These words made Haru to cry . He went home stilling crying . He took a shower and the words kept repeating in his head . Haru went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and started cutting his wrist as the words "go die" kept ringing in his head.

He made a deep cut that made him lose a large amount of blood . As he was gonna make another one . The bell rang and it kept ring . Haru then walked and opened the door to see who it was . His arm bleeding heavily . His eyes still watery and he was still crying .

He opened the door and saw yuuto who was  grinning . He said in his deep voice  "SUPR- Haru ! Wha-" he looked down and saw Haru bleeding "Haru! What's wrong !" He held haru's hand and saw the knife behind .

Haru fell on yuuto "NGH...". Yuuto eyes widened up and he picked Haru up running to the hospital . There Haru was treated and Haru was out the whole night but yuuto didn't leave his side . He held haru's hand the whole night . He was worried that the person he loves will slip out of his hands.

* Throws love at you* I know this chapter made you sad soo here you go have some love. ❤❤


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