chapter 11

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(Yuuto's point of view)

I looked at haru explaining everything to me. His eyes were swollen . He was continously crying and begging for forgiveness . If I be honest here i don't care . He has soo many beautiful things in him that does matter.

I was sure on my decision I wanted Haru beside me . I wanted to be with him all my life . I loved him . His everything I wanted his everything to belong to me.

I wanted to make him  smile his face was meant to be for smiling . I want to make him  smile I couldn't bare to see Haru in this state . I know what he works as and I know why he did that . It want for fun . He needed that..... .

Yuuto bends down and smiles at haru hugging him "I love you no ,after what you are or what you do'' he kissed him and picked him up with haru's stuff he packed earlier.

"Time to go to ^our^ house" yuuto said being specific. Then he took Haru to his car and held his hand all the way never leaving it.  They first went to his job and Haru talked with his boss.

They then went to Yuuto's house ."Here you go Haru we are at our place". He smiled and takes Haru inside with his stuff Haru puts haru's stuff on the side and kisses haru's lips .

Haru's eyes were still puffy and swollen from crying Haru was really tired by now . Yuuto smiled and hugged Haru taking him to the room .he puts Haru down on the bed and comes on the other side .he then closes his eyes.

He then hugs Haru and then they slept . "Shh..... now sleep do unduly my love" yuuto said and hugged Haru patting his head as they slept.

Sorry ! It's soo short! But the next chapter I will update with many Soo look forwards to it and send me love !!! Thank you !!

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