chapter 12

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(Haru's point of veiw)

Haru woke up in the middle of the night . He sat up and looked around .he frowns "where am I again?....." he wipes his eyes and then remembered that this was Yuuto's house.

All the scenes of the night flashed through his eyes as of they were happening again but this he was looking at them . Then the scene of their kiss came making haru blush.

He hugged his knees and looked over to yuuto thinking why did yuuto no say hurting words to him and why did yuuto didn't kick him .why why yuuto liked him .

All these thoughts were going through his mind without any answers desperate need of answers he thought more . He felt Yuuto's hand wrap around his waist .

As he said in his gentle and sleepy yet deep voice "baby? What's wrong scared come here ?" . He said and made Haru to lay down . They lay down and yuuto hugs haru petting his head. "Do you feel hungry? Why were you awake Haru my love ?".

"N-no I was just.....just nothing....I was thinking about stuff.....'' he said and hugged yuuto tightly .

Yuuto hugged haru "don't alright no need to worry . you are mine and you should be smiling cause that's how I like my things pretty okay?".

Haru giggles "well looks like you took the wrong person I am not pretty ?".

Yuuto shook his head and kisses haru's lips "trust me you are really pretty when  you get drunk or when you blush".

He said making haru all shy and making him blush "r-really? I don't think s-so".

Haru said nervous and yuuto giggles "you are soo cute Haru now sleep so tomorrow we can set up your stuff okay ?.''

Yuuto said and Haru nodded in agreement.  He then smiled in Yuuto's arms and slept peacefully.

                                           ~~in the morning~~

In the morning yuuto woke up first and sat on the bed yawning . Because of Yuuto's movement Haru also woke up . Yuuto smiles and kisses haru's lips gently "good morning my love ~".

He said and Haru blushes and then smiles as he kissed back "good morning yuu" .

Haru was not used to this kind of love . So everytime yuuto did something. It made Haru smile and it made him feel speacial .

"Yuuto where is the bathroom ?" Haru asked a bit shy and yuuto chuckles "well let me take you" . Yuuto took Haru to the bathroom and then went to the kitchen making breakfast.

Haru got dressed and came to the kitchen "your house is really nice".

Yuuto smiled "our house is".

He corrected Haru and Haru smiles "sure is....." he said going along with yuuto .

Yuuto kisses Haru "stay here I will be back after changing ?" . Haru held Yuuto's hand "do it after ?".

This made yuuto to chuckle . He then sat and ate pancakes with coffee with Haru by his side.

They both ate the breakfast and then yuuto went to dress up after dressing up , yuuto showed Haru around .

"Waoh yuu....your house is pretty nice....." Haru said with  a smile .

"How many times I have to tell you it's out house Haru " he kisses haru's lips and Haru blushes "out house is soo pretty" he then giggles.

"Umm Haru I gotta tell you that I won't be home at 5 today okay? Will you be able to stay at home?". Yuuto asked.

Haru nodded "yes but where are you going  ?". Haru asked tilting his head.

"Well you do know I have my job right do yuuto wanna tag along for today?".

"Umm i don't know.....I am a bit scared to stay alone......" Haru said and looked down . Yuuto kisses him and chuckles "you are coming with me then ".

They both then starts to put haru's things where they belong after doing that they both sat down . It was 4 pm by now "that took a while huh" yuuto said and Haru nodded.

"Yeah it was alot of work I am tired...." Haru said .

"Haru can you bring me water please ? "Yuuto requested .

"Yes darling......" Haru said and blushes making yuuto to smile.

Haru then walked to the kitchen and pours water in a glass . He then takes it with him and hands it to yuuto .

" Thank you haru "  yuuto said and drank the water . He then hugged haru with his one hand

They then puts on some movie . Watching it for an hour after an hour it was time for yuuto to go to his job . He then took Haru to the the car and went to his job.

After a while they reached the place making haru lose his senses "yuuto what do you work as....."

Yuuto giggles "I work as a model don't you know?" He said with a smirk.

Hey guys author here please help me by promoting my book further it will help me alot thank u soo much love ya  ❤

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