chapter 10

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(The next morning)

Haru woke up with a sting in his hand . He looked over the side and saw yuuto . He smiles but he was sad somewhere relief somewhere guilty somewhere happy somewhere regretful somewhere satisfied  somewhere he had it

Haru pets Yuuto's head . He was sleeping  . But as he felt haru's touch. He woke up his eyes were puffy .he was crying the whole night . He looked at haru and he was shocked "Haru.....". He hugged haru tightly crying again. "What did you do last night!" He said with shocked eyes and Haru looked down not answering him at all.

He hugged him and kisses his lips and Haru blushes "from now on you are not going to life alone you are mine I want you . Haru I love you please don't do this it hurts me I was soo scared please Haru I love you" . Haru was shocked listening to it .

Both of the, pounding hearts . Haru was too shocked . He couldn't answer.  Haru not answering made yuuto to worry . Yuuto said in a shaky voice "if you have a yes for a answer kiss me if no then stay quite and i will leave this room". Yuuto said as he clenched his fist scared of the answer.

Haru smiles and suddenly yuuto felt soft lips on his lips knowing it was Haru. Haru smiles "yes........." . Yuuto smiles and hugged Haru tightly . "Haru don't ever hurt your self......I can't take it...." . He said and Haru nodded "sorry......" .

Yuuto moved in for another kiss . Their lips close feeling each other breath . They moved in for the kiss but we're interepted By the doctor . The doctor giggles "hello Haru I see you are doing good already huh?" She said with a smile and Haru blushes with a nod.

"Hello my name is mia nice to meet you haru now  Haru . I checked you again there seems to be no harm anymore . You did lose alot of blood but if you eat some food and take a day off you will be fine as for the marks I am afraid they aren't the once that will fade away but let's see what the future holds for us for now you can go home" she said with a smile.

Haru and yuuto nodded and they both left after a few minutes when they were done bandaging Haru. Yuuto picked Haru and took him in the car and smiled "sorry Haru I wasn't there when you needed me.....''. He said with a sad smile.

Haru looked at Yuuto and felt bad. "No you were...I am sorry last night I.......couldn't handle it on my own .....". Yuuto looked at haru and sat him down getting in the car. He drive to haru's Haru took him in the house grabs haru's stuff "What was it that led you to do all this?" . Yuuto's words made Haru silent.

"Yuuto.....I think you should rethink your decision of taking me with you and being my lover......" he said shaken .

Yuuto looked at him with a questioning look "why? What's wrong with it?...".

Haru looked down "Umm...before I ruin your life I have a confession....I am a as a slut....". He said as tears came down his up eyes . "When my parents found out .I was gay they kicked me out they didn't like it......they left me on the streets . From there a man... helped me....he was a owner of a prostitution club...he gave me a place to stay and provided me with food and I then became a slut.....cause I wanted money....". He Gulps.

"From then I first gave blowjobs to strangers then I realised that I wasn't making I started taking full sex with them all the money I had....I payed other people and then my family used to asked me for money......I tried to take other jobs jpbut I couldn't....this was the only option....and in that job i ended up letting other men call me all sorts of things and yesterday. I met my brother his words made me lead to kill myself now I am ready to hear your words ". He said crying as he fell to the ground.

"I am sorry for being a slut" he said in a shakes voice.

Yuuto hugged haru and smiles "you are my lover now you weren't before. I am in no position to judge the you before and tell you what all that made this you and I like the you now so I don't think why I should be disgusted but haru I have one thing I want you to do.....please leave this house that job and that life and chose my house my money my love and a life with me ? Though you can still meet up with that bar guy and that man those are the important people right?".

Haru was shocked "you don't hate me ? Are you sure?".

He said suprised and yuuto nodded "yep I love you ." Yuuto said with a gentle smile.

"Now lets go to our house" he said and picked haru's stuff and Haru.

Next chapter tomorrow! 

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