chapter 4

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(Haru's point of veiw)

Haru was really hurted but he was calm . He quietly got up and flinched as he felt some pain up in his spine with made him shiver . He walked slowly to the door and called for a help. A man who was big built came and picks Haru up and takes him to the room for workers .

There was a shower in the place so he went ahead and took a shower . He let the water ran through him . Warm water made him feel safe and much protected soo much . He didn't wanted to come out and if he did . He would cry his eyes out.

After a while . when he was donw showering and thinking this up things in his head drops he got out his body was covered in hickey and bite marks which were really prominent on his pale skin . He covered it up with clothes .

He wore a shirt that was big on him as he took it from one of his workers . Who worked as a bodyguard. Haru wore and it fitted him perfectly just the neck area was revealing showing a hickey. He didn't think anyone would notice if he held the shirt in place . He also wore a tight skinny black jeans under it .

He went to his boss and took the large amount of money from his boss . His boss smiled at him and said in his deep voice "lookie here how much you made today . I am glad you are working hard little haru". He said and pats his head and Haru just looked down and nodded.

At this point all of his emotion were drowning in the sea of shame . Getting praised for sucking a stranger . It hurted him but he looked up his eyes were red and he smiled at the boss "thank you boss....thank you.....thank you......" he said and fought the urge to cry.

His tears were more stubborn then his will to stay here to get money . And with that his tears streams down his pale cheeks. His boss knew the reason Haru was crying . He knew it very well but he was in no position to help Haru. He hugged haru's small body an patted his back .

The boss had pity in his eyes for Haru. He hugged him and gave some dollar extra "go have fun kid . Buy whatever u want . Eat whatever you want . Just be happy alright ? . Don't push your self soo hard okay kid ?" Haru nodded and gave him a fake smile. He said in his shaky yet
Confident .

He took the money with hesitation but after looking at the smile of his boss . He decided to take it . He took it and bowed to his boss as he hugged him gently "thank you , my second father " (by second father he means that his boss cares for him like a father would but the boss is not his father) he smiled . "It's ryo" his boss said and Haru looked up .

There was a slight smile on haru's face as he chuckles "boss ryo then". His boss frowned "you are not taking my name without the boss are you kiddo?" . Haru shook his head no and ryo chuckles "why kid ?" .

Haru looked away with a pout "cuz I like to call you that" . Haru's statement made ryo laugh and he smiled "alright then now move on i am busy " Ryo said and pinched haru's cheek .

Haru meowls and takes his tongue out "gee! Why are you soo stingy !, you old geezer !" Haru said and ran for his life . He knew ryo would get mad at that.

Ryo laughed and shout "you gotta pay for it you little pimp!" . He said and turned away going back to his work.

Haru panted and he was already at the bar . He liked this bar alot . He would be able to drink alot and it was cheap but only for some drinks not all.

Haru walked inside and went to the seats near the bartender "regular ! Asap!" . He said and laid his head on the table . He let's out a long breath in flusteration. The bartender looked at him "Haru first don't order mw like I am your slave you idiot and second we are out of it . A huge group of rich people came and bought almost all of it "

The bartender said in his bristish accent . "Look here jerk ass just hurry up and give me a whiskey alright ?" . The bartender raised his eyebrows ''you know if you disrespect me soo much I will poison you'' he pouted and Haru looked up at him "just kill me...." . The bartender looked at him " I already want to and don't call me a jerk face you know my name is nai" . Haru nodded "nai pitiful nai" . Haru giggled and nai finches "you ass!" .

Haru giggles "yeah yeah now go bring me whiskey! Nai" . Nai chuckled . "Whiskey coming right up !".

Heyy guys ! Author here ! With a new update the next chapter will be Yuuto's point of veiw and I will do a character chapter as well do look forward to it and do continue to support me and thank you for coming this far !! Love ya !!

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