chapter 6

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(Haru's point of veiw)

Haru was walking outside the bar as he felt his cheek heating up as he blsuhes "Umm well I had a great time...." he said and chuckled to himself .

Soon as he was walking . He felt his phone vibrate he pulled out his phone hoping it's not work . He opened the messages app in his phone only to see  that yuuto had texted Haru.  Which made Haru blush.

He opened the text and read through . {Hey Haru yuuto here I had a great time today hope u did too wanna hand out tomorrow as well? It's all on me well waiting for your reply see you.} .Haru read and smiles he started typing back to yuuto.

{Hey yuuto . I already know it's you and umm sure I guess 5pm ? How's that I am free then are you? And sure .} He replied and soon got Yuuto's reply. He made his way to Yuuto's text and opened it . He opened it and saw that yuuto replied him back.

{Yep I am free at that time . Which place you want to hang out ? ^^ I will take you anywhere you want Haru. } Haru read the text and smiled .{umm i will let you decide that..I don't know many places here.} Haru replied and he was at his apartment.

He opened his door to look at the same dirty old apartment "there is no way I will show yuuto this....." he said to him self and flinched as he felt his phone vibrate . He opened the text and made his way to the mattress laying on it . He read the text.

{Well I think a cafe sounds good . Do u like the idea ? ×~×} yuuto texted back.

{Yeah sounds good I like the idea *w*} Haru texted yuuto and yuuto chuckled .

{Well okay let's meet up at the train station and I } I'll pick you up from there alright ? Sounds good ? O+O}

Haru texted as fast as he could {Yeah that's good well it's getting late I am going too sleep goodnight =×=}

Yuuto laughs and texted back {alright goodnight Haru hope you have a great night Haru night!}.

Haru texted back {foodnight yuuto .}

Yuuto smiled and texted .{food night ? So u are gonna eat alot tonight? Huh?}

Haru blushes and texted {N-no it was just a auto now good night !}

Yuuto texted. {😂😂 okay okay ! Bye.}

Haru kept his phone down and laid on his bed falling a sleep.

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