chapter 14 (sex included)

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Haru smiles and after an hour . Yuuto was finished with the shoot .he then took Haru a nd they drove to their house . "Oh....looks like the shortcut is closed wanna take the long cut ?" He asked Haru.

Haru nodded "sure go ahead". He said and giggles "wanna put songs?". Yuuto asked Haru.  "Sure can I use your phone?" Haru asked grabbing his phone and smiles .

"Hey yuuto...." he grabs his hand and opens his camera taking a selfie of them. "Yay! Our first selfie !" . Yuuto giggles . Haru smiles "I am putting it as my wallpaper . Yuuto nodded Giggling  "set that as my wallpaper as well."

He said and Haru set them as their wallpaper "awwie it looks soo good yuu!" . Yuuto smiles "sure does now put the songs" .

Haru puts I love you on and hummed to the song . Yuuto smiles "I like that one. Sing it in your voice I like your voice more though" he smiles and Haru giggles singing the lyrics.

"Lalalalala I like your smile , like your vibe, I like your style but that's not why I love you...." Yuuto looked at haru grabbing his hand and kissing it "your voice is beautiful love". He said and Haru replies "is it ? ". Yuuto nodded and giggles.

They then listened to many song and sang to it while being lovey dovey. They then reached their neighbourhood it was now 11 pm. It was really late .

Yuuto decided to tease Haru so he puts a Hand on his thigh rubbing his inner thigh "mmm! Yuu~ ah~" Haru moaned and try to muffle his sounds . Making yuuto to look at him . He was a bit aroused by haru's voice .

He continued to do that and as he did Haru held his hand he then mumbles "baby....ah!.....I-i can't...don't..." he said and yuuto looked at haru's pants and saw him being aroused . He smirks "horny ?" He asked and Haru nodded.

He then parked the car in the drive way and got out of the car . He then opens haru's door and saw the sweet little thing was already a panting and blushing mess . Making yuuto to be aroused . He picked Haru up and went inside.

They were making out the whole way to the bed room . Tugging on each other feeling each others breath . Yuuto made Haru to sit down on the bed . While yuuto sat on the floor . Yuuto starts to take Haru's shirt.

They both were kissing deeply losing it . Their tongues fighting for dominance in which Haru lost the battle letting yuuto explore his mouth.

He then pulled away to take Haru's shirt fully off .making haru to whine at the loss of touch . He smiles at the sight of haru's naked chest and smirks "beautiful". Yuuto said making haru blush "you too take it off please !".

Haru pleaded and yuuto nodded "you want to take it off darling ?" He asked and Haru nodded . "YES!" . Yuuto giggles "aren't you excited?". He said feeling his sweat drip down. "Wait let me turn on the air conditioner". He said and turned It on . He then closes the light and smiles "peaceful sex ?".

Haru nodded . It was dark in the room but not that dark that they couldn't see each other. "Yuuto....come here" Haru said in a sexy voice "yes darling I am here" yuuto said growling as he puts haru's hand on his chest. Haru slowly unbutton his shirt .

Yuuto smiles and pushes Haru gently on the bed and then get on top of him "you are soo pretty I swear". Yuuto said and Haru blushes.
He then  kisses haru again. He then kisses down his neck "mmmm~yuuu~". Haru moans.

Yuuto then kisses down to his nipple sucking on it lightly after a while he started sucking hard on his nipple as he pinched the other one. Making haru to moan loud .

Panting Haru held onto Yuuto's shoulder and moans mumbling
"y-yuuto.... I-i wanna blow you....please" he said and yuuto blushed and sat on the bed . "I am ready what are you waiting for ?" He smirked and Haru pulls your pants down and your boxers looked at Yuuto's dick which was long. "Waoh.....Yuu....You are so...big....I mean ... I have seen other men but yours are....." .

He said amazed and blushes hard. Yuuto smiles turned into a smirk "of course I am just for you haru ~" he said and pets haru's head .Haru grabs Yuuto's length and rubs it with sucks the tip. Making yuuto maon "mmhm~ good boy~" . He said in pleasure and Haru sucks his tip more blushing  making yuuto to moan more.

Haru then took his whole dick in his mouth sucking it . Yuuto petted haru's head more and threw his head back in pleasure "oh yes~ good boy you are doing great" he said blushing and Haru bobbed his head more . After a while of more sucking and licking yuuto looks down at haru and smiles "baby boy will you drink all of it ?" He asked . Haru nodded.

Haru then sucked more and then yuuto grabs his head and came inside his head . "MMM! I AM COMING !" Yuuto said with a growl and fucked haru's mouth coming inside . Haru drank all of it with a blush some of it dripped down his chin to his chest. Making yuuto to get aroused again he licked it off haru. He then positions Haru facing towards yuuto . He then takes lube and rubs it on his hands . Haru looks up "yuuto...I am used to Sex I am not a virgin.....".

He said and yuuto looked at him "it's my first time with you's want it to be painless....and full of love.'' He said smiling and lubbed him up and then he enters him slowly . Making haru to pant . They then hold each others hand and yuuto after entering all the way started to move.

"Mmm~ ah ! Yuu!" Haru moans and held his hand tighter. With each 
Thrust they both moaned in pleasure being connected made Haru feel happy.

Yuuto grabs Haru Bu the waist and thrusted deep inside him making  haru to moan "AH AH AH ! YUUTO AH FEELS SHOO GOOD !" . "ngh!" Yuuto growls and thrusted in again. He pulled out all the way out and then thrusted in he did this again and again till he felt he was coming they then came together . "AH !COMING!" They both groaned and came  .

Yuuto then was gonna pull out but haru stopped him and he hugged while yuuto was still inside haru and they both snuggled "that was amazing Haru I swear I love you". Haru smiles "I love you more yuu" they kissed and soon darkness surrounded them. As they fell asleep.

Better hit me with love and support I worked hard on  this !!!

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