chapter 7

29 4 14

Hello guys ! Author here! So here are some of the supporters who are really nice and are really supportive   !! If u guys wanna be shouted out as well do tell me and I will shout out to u and do ask if u want a update I will update immediately ❤


The best supporters  !


Haru then woke up and yawned . He opened his phone and saw the time . It was 11:45 am . He then unlocked his phone and saw that yuuto had texted him on 9:30 am.

That made Haru smile . He opened his text and read through it .

{Goodmorning Haru , how are you . Hope you  are ready for our date today ^~^ .}

Haru smiles with a little blush and texted back . {Hey Goodmorning I am good hope you are too and yes I hope you are as well •×•}

He sended the text and got up out of his mattress . He then took his shirt off and his shorts . His gaze went up to the mirror which reflected the hickey and bite marks on his body "tch!" He looked away and opened the shower.

He then adjusted the water temperature . When the water turned luke warm he let the water touch his skin and then he washed his hairs and then his body after showering a bit .

He then came out and wiped his body with his pink towel and then wore a red shirt with a white short. He then walked over to his kitchen which was very small . He opened his fridge "I forgot to buy the Groceries" he pouted and took out the bacon and a bit of butter and pieces of bread  . "Lots of bacon it is then !" . He said in excitement .

He took out a pan and kept the bacon in it and then turned the stove on . After the bacon was cooked . He placed it on the plate and he cooked the other item . He then ate it and it was already time for Haru to go out .

He went out and walked to the station . As he was walking he saw yuuto . "H-hey yuuto" he said with a blush as he looked up at Yuuto who was dressed really nice and looked really handsome.

Yuuto was wearing a turquoise shirt and white jeans with it .

Yuuto looked at haru and smiled "hey~ haru lookie here you look soo cute today" . He said waved at haru .

Haru waved back "hi  yuuto t-thank you~ you look nice as well...." he said blushing a deep red .

"Well Haru my car is here so we will go on that okay?" He smiled gently on haru and Haru looked away blushing

"Yeah alright yuuto.." he walked behind yuuto and they were walking towards a  “galaxy” Lamborghini making haru knock his socks off "i-is that your car ? Yuuto?"

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