final part 2 chap 21 (rape included)

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The men set the two males down into the cement floor. "Boss we brought them" , the two man stated and they were sent back . Now only sora , secretary and haruya were left .

Sora walked over to haru "thank you soo much brother and haruya". They all smirked "I have a plan for this little one here" . Sora said and ripped Haru's clothes .  "Wake the other up" Secretary said .

Haruya nodded and went on to yuuto who was still in the effects of the medication that they used on him in the bathroom . Haruya kicked him a few times and he slowly opened his eyes "u-uh what's uh....what...What's going on ". Yuuto asked his viosn blurry .

Sora smiles "make sure he sees all of this now brother will you do the honours" . He said and Sora went ahead and sat on the chair that was kept there . The Secretary smiled and nodded "you are forgetting my name it's sorata" . Sora laughed "yeah sorata do it now".

Sorata looked at haru and pulled his hair "hey bitch time to wake up". He said and Haru didn't responded "I got this" Sora said and hired a gun in the ground the noise made Haru to flinch his eyes open "excuse me...." he said and looked at him suprised yet scared.

Sorata  chuckled amused . "Oh honey " he was saying and Haru looked down and then at Yuuto.  He panicked why the love of his life was in that situation and why was he u dressed and tied up nothing was making sense to him. "yuuto ! What is wrong with you  guys leave him!".

Haru asked panicked and sorata was getting annoyed and then from the back sora walked to towards them "rape him". He said looking down at haru with hungry eyes making haru to flinch and get back.

" what are you saying....aren't we friends why are you doing this...let me and yuuto go.....don't do this" Haru said being hurt his one friend he had turned into something he never knew .

Sora laughed and held haru's chin while his brother tore all of haru's clothes leaving him naked which made him back away little by little . "well you see I was never your friend I actually liked yuuto and he hurted my damn feeling for a slut like you and now it's time for payback". He said and slapped Haru. 

Haru's head moved to his side by the pressure of the slap . He looked back up and the look in their eyes told Haru they weren't joking or they were gonna no matter what . "I don't care......bout those" Haru mumbled and hitted sorata with his head as his hand were tied "you damn brat !".

sorata was gonna hit him but sora stopped him "oh no no little brother this is not how you treat misbehave kids". Sora smirked and giggled at haruya "yes boss" . Haruya said and started beating up yuuto . He kicked him the the guts again and again while sora held haru's face to look at Yuuto. "NGH!! URGH!" Yuuto made a loud groan and coughs a little blood going back to his senses.

"No no no !! Stop stop !!" . Haru said and tried to run over to yuuto but sora held him "so haru do as we say and yuuto will not be touched ? Cool?" Sora asked nicely .

"I will ! Will! Please sora stop hurting him!" Haru agreed to the condition as he tried a little "good". Sora said with a smirk and told haruya to stop . "Ugh....stop it you jerk ass !" Yuuto said as he held his stomach in pain.

Haru looked over to yuuto "I am soo sorry...yuuto" he said and walked to sora "please sora I will do anything......" . Haru pleaded and Sora kicked him making haru to fall on the ground . "Tch! Sorata !". Sora shouted. "Yes sir " sorata said . And pushed Haru to the ground making haru to cry softly "remember Haru if you mess up we will kill yuuto so do as I say now your answer ?" . He asked in  a cold tone.

Haru nodded immediately.  "I will.....please don't hurt yuuto...." he said in a low voice . "Good" sorata said . "Now get on your fours and spin on them 3 times saying you are a bitch woof". He said and Haru looked down nodding .sora laughed "oh lord! Let me make a video of all this it's gonna be fun when this is uplaoded online !".

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