final part 1 chap 20

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(Sora point of veiw)

"Hey" I said and heard the other chuckle ."hey" the other said and I smiled . "Today in an hour the place I told you . You know what do for right . Make sure nothing messes my plan and you will get what you want" . Sora said and smirked after he heard the others positive answer .

"Good~ now yuuto is all mine....~" Sora smirked and mumbles . After he turned his phone off.

(Fast forward to haru and yuuto getting ready for the event)

Haru was getting ready . He put on a suit that yuuto choosed for him .

(Pic of haru's suit)

(Pic of Yuuto's suit)

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(Pic of Yuuto's suit)

They wore the suits and went to the car

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They wore the suits and went to the car. They drive listening to the songs having fun . When they reached the place before going in Haru kissed yuuto . Yuuto being really turned looking at haru in a suit smiles.

And started to made out with Haru . He held the back of his neck and kisses his one more time a bit roughly .Haru did the same . Yuuto presses his tongue against haru's lips.

So haru would let him slide his tongue in so he could taste eveything
Haru tired to fight it.  But his dominance against Yuuto's dominance was nothing and he failed.

Yuuto chuckles  and started to explore haru's mouth.  Haru wow willing letting him explore his arm wraps around . Haru then did the same to yuuto and they were now lost In the kiss . "Mm~" Haru moaned .

They then continued for a while longer but they both ended flinched by a call on Yuuto's phone . It was sora. They pulled out and breathe in and out catching their breath blush was on both of the males.

"Ummm... yuuto let's go inside...'' Haru said blushing as he held his hand and kisses his cheek . Yuuto smiled and kisses haru's head and the got out of the car and walked up to the bar enterence .

They entered the bar and saw sora and other 2 guys . They went closer to them and yuuto bro hugged all the guys. One was the Secretary (of the company that took yuuto in), sora one seat was there but it was empty meaning the man hasn't arrived yet .

"Hello ! Yuuto !" The Secretary greeted with a big smile as well as sora . "Hello ! Sir !" Yuuto said and greeter them . "Take a seat" the Secretary said and yuuto nodded and sat down with Haru beside him.

"Glad you could make it yuuto" Sora said with a smile . "Yeah me too" yuuto said . "So how is it going and tell me which drinks do you guys want ?".

"It's going pretty good me and Haru decided to get married" yuuto said proud and Haru smiled shyly and they both showed off their rings "oh wow ! That's soo cool !" The Secretary said and Sora grited his teeth "you did answer what drink do you guys want? Me and him ordered out before" . Sora said and looked over to the Secretary.

"Yes we have ordered ours" the Secretary assured and yuuto smiles "cheaters !" . They both smiled "this is what you get after being latee~" Sora said smirked and everyone laughed Haru did too .

"Well I will take vodka and Haru will...." he looked at haru and Haru got up a little whispering something in Yuuto's ears Haru then smiles and yuuto kissed his head . "He will take a blue hawaiian" yuuto said and Sora and the secretary laughed "a sweet tooth we have here huh ?" Sora said "I got you covered be back Mr sec you stay woth Haru and yuuto I will be back with the drink ~".

Sora said and left . 

"Well yuuto there is someone I want you to meet . He recently joined the company too I hope you guys get along ~ he will be here in a minute" . The Secretary said and smiled .

Yuuto nodded smiling "sure I am willing to see who this is". they smiled and were talking about Yuuto's new drama as a male similar figure sat on the empty seat Haru and yuuto looked at the man and then at each other yuuto standing up "YO-" .

He wanted to shout but Haru made him sit . The Secretary Introduced the man and the man was haru's brother called haruya.

"Hey~" he said with a smirk and sat down . Yuuto glared but sat down . The next hour just went quite and heavy . But the sora came with three drinks and everyone took their drink . Haruya tried to take the blue hawaiian but yuuto snatched it and gave it to haru .

"Here you go my love " he said and looked away annoyed . Haru sat there blinking his eyes and he held Yuuto's hand and started drinking.  Little did they know these reasonable alcohol was gonna take a big hit at their lives .

Haru's drink was a slightly different colour . But it went unnoticed . Haru was taking little sip.

Sora scooted towards haru and held his face "he what's this..." he asked and Haru was a bit droopy . "Mmm...I don't know" .

Sora he gave him the glass and made Haru chuck it all down at once "this will help you ....I think..." he said with a worried face.

"Haru?" Yuuto looked over at Him and pet his head "wassup" he asked. And Haru shook his head "hey yuuto why don't you go to the bathroom and bring us some wet towel?" Sora asked the favour and yuuto nodded .

Yuuto went to the bathroom .

(Sora point of view)

"Goood !! Now hurry up men ! Get this boy and to the place , haruya go and bring yuuto it's time for the party !". Sora said in his eveilish voice.

(Sora's point of veiw ends here )

The men took the unconscious Haru and talked out and drove him to a abandoned building .

Haruya went Inside the bathroom and he sneaked behind yuuto and made him unconscious as well and he was taken to the same place after his hand were tied up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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