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Louis was currently changing for first official football practice as a member of the school's team, and he was very excited about it, he was even going to wear his new shoes.

When he was ready, he went out to the field, where most of the team already was; a soccer team had 11 players, but the were more than 11 boys in the team, because more players were always needed for changes of players during games and in case something happened to anyone. Louis calculated there were about 18 of them.

"Alright, kids, gather around" the coach called them.

Louis obeyed, and so did the rest of the boys, who gathered in a semi circle.

"First of all congratulations on making the team, if you're new to it, welcome, if you were on the team last year, welcome back" the coach told them "But the fact that you made it doesn't mean you can relax now, I expect you to put hard work into this team and come to every single practice; I don't care if your dog dies, if you have homework or if it's your mum's birthday, you need to be here Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays, no excuses, are we clear?".

There were a bunch of 'yes' and 'yeah', one coming from Louis' mouth.

"I appointed Styles here to be your captain, this is his third year on the team, he's a good player, and I think he has what it takes to lead this team this year" the coach informed them, and looked at Harry, who had a big grin on his face "Harry, don't disappoint me".

"I won't coach" Harry answered.

"That's all, now let's get started" the coach clapped his hands and rubbed them "Warm up is one lap around the field, off you go".

The group of boys all went to the edge of the field and started jogging around it, and Louis found himself doing that right behind Harry, who was jogging with two other boys, one was blond (although it looked fake), and the other one had very dark hair.

"Harry, you need to convince coach to let me play as sweeper this year" the black haired told him

"I'm sorry, I only answer to Captain Styles now" Harry replied.

Louis chuckled to himself, thinking he was cute and funny.

"Mate, this is important" the lad insisted "I know I would be better as sweeper than midfielder".

But this time Harry didn't say anything.

"Harry!" the black haired boy exclaimed.

"I think he's serious about his new title" the blonde boy pointed out laughing.

"You're such a arsehole, you've been captain for 2 seconds and the power already got into your head " the black haired lad accused, and started jogging faster, getting away from the other two.

"It was a joke, Z, don't be so dramatic!" Harry called, and ran after him "I'll talk to coach!".

The blond laughed even more then, and because of it, he fell behind, and was suddenly jogging next to Louis, which they did in silence, but just for a few seconds.

"Hey, you're new to the school, right?" the blonde asked him.

"Yeah" Louis answered.

"What's your name?".

"Louis" .

"I'm Niall" the blonde said before Louis could ask "I noticed you play on tryouts, you're good".

"Thanks" Louis replied.

"We all talked about it afterwards, and we knew coach would pick you" Niall commented.

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