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Louis always woke up thinking about Tori, and that morning wasn't an exception, but his next thought was Harry.




That boy was all he thought about.

They hadn't even been dating for a week, but Louis was crazy for him, and he knew why; Harry was loving and caring, and so easy to talk to, and he listened to everything he had to say, and he had that smile...

Louis sighed while he laid on his bed.

To Harry Styles 💚 : morning ☺️

Harry had put that heart next to his name in Louis' phone, and he knew in Harry's phone Louis' name had a blue heart; according to Harry they represented the color of their eyes.

Louis looked at the screen as he waited for Harry to answer, but was disappointed that he didn't.

Maybe he wasn't up yet.

Louis pouted, which he knew was stupid, and he got up from the bed, went to check on Tori, saw she was still sleeping, so he went to take a shower.

But when he came out of it, and went back to his room, the first thing he did was check his phone, and grinned when he saw Harry had answered.

From Harry Styles 💚 : Hi baby, I had a dream about you

To Harry Styles 💚 : Really?? What was it about??

From Harry Styles 💚 : I'll leave it to your imagination 😉

Louis felt his face get hot, and even though he wasn't looking in a mirror, he knew it had to be red.

Did he really mean... that?

Not that he hadn't thought about that, he had, he thought about it very frequently when he was with Harry, especially when they were kissing.

But even though he thought about it, and had like an... urge to do it, he felt like he wasn't going to be mentally ready for that in a long time.

The one and only time he had done it before was when he got pregnant, and he almost didn't count it because it had been a bad experience, one that he wish he could re do.

He didn't answer Harry's text because he didn't know what to say, and he was going to see him in less than an hour, because now Harry always picked him up so they could walk to school together.

Louis got dressed in his school uniform, then went to Tori's room, where his daughter was coincidentally waking up, and he picked her up and brought her downstairs with him, where his mum was cooking breakfast in her pajamas and robe.

"Good morning" Louis said to greet her, and he noticed Tori mumbled 'morning' in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, my babies" Jay smiled.

"Do you need help?" Louis offered as he sat Tori on the booster chair.

"No, I'm done, sit down" Jay told him.

Louis sat at the kitchen table while his mum put breakfast in front of them, just as his dad joined them, and he was already showered and dressed to leave for work.

"You're going to go to my game tomorrow, right?" Louis asked while they all ate together.

"Of course we are" Mark answered "I'm actually pretty excited to watch you play, kid".

"Me too" Jay smiled "And so is Tori, right, love?".

But Tori seemed focused on drinking her milk from her sippy cup.

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