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Harry had been gone for a week, and Louis already wanted him to come back, as it had been a very hard week without him.

The worst of it all was that he has only spoken to Harry twice since he left, which was making Louis feel even sadder.

When Harry first arrived in Ciudad de Guatemala, he was able to FaceTime Louis, and  he explained that he had arrived safely, but also said that they had explained to him that the location where he was going to be going had very poor or almost non existent internet access, and the phone connection wasn't great either, so not to worry if he wasn't able to text or call in a few days.

That made Louis pretty sad, but he accepted it, as there was no way around it, and told Harry not to worry about it, and to just enjoy his time there.

Since then, Harry had only been able to call once, which happened 3 days ago, but the connection was pretty shitty, so they spent most of the conversation saying things like 'can you hear me?'.

That Monday Louis woke up feeling exactly as he has felt during the last week: sad.

He checked Tori's room before he went downstairs, but it was empty, which meant she was already awake, so he walked down the stairs, and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat for breakfast.

"Good afternoon" Jay said to him.

She was showered and dressed, and it seemed like she was cooking lunch.

"It's not that late" Louis rolled his eyes as he grabbed milk from the fridge.

"It's noon, love" Jay pointed out.

"Whatever" Louis said and sat on the table with the cereal box and a bowl "Where's Tori?".

"Playing outside" Jay replied, and looked out of the kitchen window that had a view to the backyard.

"Okay" Louis mumbled as he poured milk into the bowl.

"Louis, are you going to be like this for an entire month?" Jay demanded to know.

"I can't help it, I miss Harry" Louis sighed.

"It's only been a week" Jay pointed out.

"Don't remind me" Louis sighed dramatically.

"Love, you need to get used to not seeing him all the time, if not, how will you survive Uni?" Jay told him.

"I know, but at least we'll be able to FaceTime and text them" Louis pointed out "Now I can't even do that, and it makes me uneasy".

"Why uneasy?" Jay wondered.

"When we were at the airport, Harry's mum said Guatemala is a dangerous country, and I thought she was exaggerating, but I googled it, and it's true" Louis pointed out "It has one of the highest murder rates in the world".

"Really?" Jay raised her eyebrows surprised.

"Yeah" Louis replied "So I don't only miss him like crazy, now I'm also worried about his safety".

"I'm sure he will be fine" Jay told him "This organization he's with wouldn't take people over if it was that risky".

"I know" Louis accepted "I just wish I had looked it up sooner, then I would have told him not to go".

"I don't know Harry as well as you do, but I have the feeling he would have gone anyway, he's doing a great humanitarian thing" Jay replied.

"Yeah..." Louis admitted, as he played with the cereal in his bowl.

"You know what the problem is, Lou?" Jay asked, but answered before Louis could "You have too much time in your hands, you need to keep yourself busy".

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