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Louis got Tori in the car, and as he drove home, he kept thinking about what he was going to tell Tori.

Should he tell her that she shouldn't call Harry 'daddy' because he wasn't her father?

Or should he once and for all accept Harry's offer to be Tori's dad, and let Tori call him that if she wanted?

When he parked the car outside his house, the first thing he did was take his phone out, wanting to see if Harry had given any signs of life, because he wanted to talk to Harry before he spoke to Tori about this.

But Harry hadn't replied Louis' text from earlier, and he hadn't called either, so Louis decided to give him a quick call.

"Mummy" Tori said while Louis had the phone on his ear.

"Just a second, Tori" Louis replied while he watched her through the rearview mirror, and saw her unbuckling herself.

"I wanna go out" Tori complained as she tried to open the door.

But it had the child lock on, so he knew she wasn't going to be able to open it.

The call finally went to voicemail, so Louis ended the call, and got out of the car, opened the door for Tori, and they went inside the house.

It seemed Louis' mum had moved on from watching Outlander, and was now cooking dinner, so after saying hello to her, Louis set out to help her, and so did Tori (she mostly just pretended to help).

"Is Harry coming for dinner?" Jay wondered.

"I'm not sure" Louis said honestly.

"Can't you call him?" Jay asked.

"I did, but he didn't pick up" Louis replied, and felt the need to explain "He had a project due today, and he told me last night that he was going to pull an all nighter to be able to finish, so I think he might be sleeping still".

"I'm making enough for him anyway, he can have it if he gets here late" Jay declared.

"Thanks, mum" Louis smiled to her.

She had been really great about Harry lately, and he was grateful, because it was one less thing he had to worry about.

While they cooked, Louis' dad came home, and eventually they sat down to eat, and in all that time Louis didn't get any texts or calls from Harry, and at this point he started to stress about it.

And that stress increased by the second, and so by the time Louis put Tori to bed that night, his anxiety level was through the roof.

"Mummy" Tori said while Louis tucked her in.

"Yes, baby?" Louis asked.

"Where's Harry?" Tori wondered.

"I think he's still in Cambridge, love" Louis answered, because she knew that was where Harry lived.

"You said he come home today, mummy" Tori pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry, I thought he would be here today, but he'll probably be here tomorrow, okay?" Louis told her.

"No" Tori frowned.

"I know you miss him, I miss him too" Louis replied, but Tori kept frowning "Come on, don't be grumpy".

But that was when Tori's eyes filled with tears.


"Don't cry, baby girl, it's alright" Louis said as he cleared the tears that had fallen from her eyes "It's okay".

But Tori kept crying very quietly, so he laid  down on the bed with her, and she cuddled up to him while Louis shushed her and told her that everything was okay, and to go to sleep.

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